Chapter 05

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Star shone again
By Kiara Olive Leery-White

Our star can't help his junior even in sweaty Uganda, can he? Watching him going sweaty, horny, and tucked at the same time was entertaining. Let's just hope she was good enough- is written below the photo, the very same photo I had taken. And destroyed.

Hold on, did I even destroy it? A sweat formed in the corner of my forehead. I didn't. I told Miles to do whatever he wanted with it. It'll only make sense if he-no he can't. Miles won't ever do something like that to me.

Except for he always has these stupid death wishes in the 'most stupidest' times.

I look at Miles over Ashton's shoulder. He meets my eyes and he shakes his head: I didn't.

Then who else-

My thoughts are interrupted when Ashton tightens his grip on me. For a moment I almost forgot he has me captive.

I have nothing to do with it, I wanted to say. But again, the column is published under my name.

No, wait! The column about Ashton Fellan, which is not about how fucking handsome he is or how awesomeness he plays, is published under my name.

So much for following one rule. Rule 20; broken once. I should buy stickers to mark how many rules I've broken. Not that I've broken one before today since freshman year.

I gulp and look at Miles once again. There's something about the look of his eyes. Like he's pleading not to mention his name to Ashton.

The last bell rings.

I'll explain later, Miles mouths as he and Grace fly away. Traitors. Wait until I get out of these deathly grips.

I can tell why he's so afraid. There's a reason I made that rule. Ashton is not someone you will like to mess with. And if I bring up Miles' name, Ashton will beat the life out of him. Except-he can't do that to me. Because I'm a girl. And which gentleman would hurt a girl?

Okay, rule 20 is already broken once, I can't risk rule 19 either.

So I make up my mind and flash Ashton my sweetest smile. He doesn't even bulge.

Oh well, it was worth a try.

I try it again. This time I look at him directly in the eyes.

I heard girls swooning about his crystal blue eyes so many times. But they were so-so wrong. Because his eyes aren't crystal blue. They are electric blue. Magnificent electric blue. And they have turned shades darker as he glares down at me. I can almost feel the anger radiating out of him.

My eyes move down his face, his chin, he has an amazing body. My eyes slowly move up to his plain dark brown hair. Which has only two probability: i) He jelled them this way; ii) He woke up from the bed like that. I hope it's not the first one because that will make them sticky. Not ideal for running hands. And he looks so-o fuckable-

"I would've suggested you take a photo which will last longer," his deep voice whispers in my ear. "But that'll be too cliche. Not to mention we don't have all day."

"I have a boyfriend," I remind him as well as myself.

He replies with his infamous signature smirk that all those girls gossip about. "That's not gonna help your case," he says. "Moreover, I doubt your goody-two-shoes of a boyfriend will mind even if I fuck you right now."

His friends snicker behind him. My cheeks burn in embarrassment.

For a moment, it felt like Ashton read my thoughts from earlier. But on the second thought, I doubt he thinks about anything else than fucking girls.

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