Chapter 50

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We drive to my place first to drop Grisbee, much to Riley's protest, and then to McDonald's as it's the closest place to dine in. But it's not our fault that McDonald's doesn't allow pets inside.

Ashton leaves us to choose a table while he buys our food.

"So," Riley says once we choose a table in the middle. "How long do you know my brother?"

I blink. Though she says the world in a sweet manner, they almost sound like coming from a grownup. "Since his first day at his school. I was the one who showed him around."

Riley perks up. "So you're the one who got into a fight with him?"

Did he tell her that too? They must be pretty close.

"Your brother was the one who started it," I inform her.

"So it was you," Riley confirms.

I nod. "Though we're past it now."

Her next question takes me off guard. "Do you like my brother?"

My eyes go big as soon as she asks the question. I try to find a decent reply for that, but Riley continues. "Cause my brother likes you a lot."

Say what?!

Before I can wrap up my mind around her words, Ashton returns with our food. "So what're girls talking about?"

"Nothing, just trying to get to know each other better," Riley smiles as her brother ruffles her hair and sits down.

Well, it can't possibly be what I heard. I'm sure she meant it in a friendly way. I mean how much does an eight-year-old know about that kind of liking?

But all my hopes crash when Riley winks at me when Ashton wasn't looking.

I ignore meeting any of the siblings in the eye and sip my drink. Let's just hope for now that she was jesting.

The rest of the afternoon passes peacefully as Riley tells us about her day. After McDonald's, we go to an ice cream where Ashton buys ice creams for all of us.

Don't get me wrong, I'm usually a very self-respectful girl who pays for all her things. But I can never say no to free food. Especially if that money is coming out of someone who literally sleeps on them.

"-and then I punched him in the stomach and he fell back groaning," Riley finishes her story of how she beat an upper-class-boy because he was making fun of her friend. "I did the right thing, right?"

I nod. "Absolutely."

"Don't encourage her," Ashton grimaces and eats his vanilla ice cream.

Typical Ashton.

"I thought you wanted her to stay away from boys," I whisper when Riley isn't paying attention.

Ashton nods. "Yes, I want her to stay away from them, not to become their center of attention."

I doubt any boy will come ten-meter radius around her after that stunt she played today.

But Riley doesn't bother to listen to her brother as she happily eats her ice cream.

"Did I mention my middle name is Margaret?" The toddler rolls her eyes with a snort, which looked very adorable. "I mean, what parents of this century names their daughter Margaret?"

"At least it's your gender name," Ashton mumbles. He didn't mean it for us to listen, but we did anyway.

"Speaking of middle names," Ashton tenses as I say, "You never told me your middle name. Do you even have one?"

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