Chapter 09

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Once upon a time, I had been friends with three girls: Cora Clerk, Ashley Mais, and Natasha Thompson. We met back in elementary school. I met Ashley and Natasha on my first day at school. Cora enrolled in our school the year after. Ever since then, we were inseparable.

But nothing good lasts forever. High school started, Natasha devoted herself in her journey to Harvard, me having a rough time catching up with everything and everyone, losing my tracks.

I started being different, acting more outgoing than I ever was. I would be lying if I say I didn't have it coming. First Cora started distancing, followed by Ashley who took her side. Natasha was hopeless but in the end, she took the majority's side.

One day, I had this bad fight with them. It was a few days after someone spread a rumor about me, a rumor I don't wanna recall again. It was a cold winter day. I failed in the chemistry test and wasn't in the mood. All of them were in that too and so, after the class they came to 'console' me. Things went pretty shady. And all I remember was running out of the hallway to the empty bleachers. That's where Miles found me hours later.

That was the last time I exchanged any kind of verbal words with my old friends. Not even mere eye contacts. Sure I saw Cora showing off her butts in the football matches (where I was forced to go for Derek), and Ashley trying to be like her. And Natasha, well, I cannot remember her seeing anywhere else other than in the hall and cafeteria only a few times.

It stayed like that till now. After I got rid of Ashton and sent him away (after promising the world), I thought I'll finally find some peace.

Kat is taking a ride from her friend and I have to wait for Derek until his practice is finished because I forgot to fill the petrol in my car yesterday.

The practice should be finished in an hour(hopefully). They have a match with our neighboring school at the end of this month. With Ashton off the team, Derek is the captain now. And he can't ditch a practice anymore. Not that he ever did.

My peace lasts till I hear the clicking of her high heels. So much for ex-converse fans. I pretend not to hear her coming and keep sorting things in my locker (or at least try to).

Her footsteps stop and I see more than one shadow from the corner of my eye. She clears her throat. I remain to continue my work.

Nope, that won't work honey.

"Are you autistic?" She asks impatiently.

(a/n: not written to hurt anyone; this part was added only to show how cheap some people can be and the use of such vulgar words is discouraged by the author)

About time. I remain quiet. I mean I'm autistic after all, aren't I?

After waiting a few minutes (or one) she finally loses her temper and forcibly jerks me around to face her. Not having it coming, I shut my eyes close from the sudden impact and squeeze the glue stick in my hand with equal force. It spills out making ffffff noise.

When I open my eyes again, I find a very gluey Cora standing in front of me. She has her eyes closed. There's glue all over her. On her perfect hair, perfect face, perfect nails, and even on her dress.

I try my best not to laugh. She looks so comical that I hardly manage to keep my face straight.

"You bitch!" She screams. "Look what you've done to my-"

"Designers shoe, dress, nails, face, and hair?" I finish for her. I'm not afraid of standing up for myself anymore.

"I was going to say bracelet." A big laugh out loud.

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