Chapter 32

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Tension rises around the room with every minute passing.

All of us try not to look at the girl sitting at the head of the table. In fact, we just want her to be gone as early as possible.

Sophie King isn't someone whom you would like to mess with. If things weren't already worse with Promy and Jason, I don't know what to name it.

Sophie King is the sister of our ex-football team captain, Eric King. Eric-about whom I shouldn't think right now.

And it's not because of Eric she holds so much power. Her father, Mr. King is the Chairman of our school's Guidance Council. Even though her father isn't the largest donor of our school-unlike Mr. Fellan-he holds power.

She's running for the President posting of the student council this year against Jason. It's usually elected by the student and the teacher. Everyone kept saying that she is going to win because of her father's influence. It might've happened, if not for those flyers all around the C-building

Sophie King, daughter of Lucas King, bribing her way to climb the top?-the flyer said.

There's an attached photo of her and a few other students inside a classroom having all the desk roundup around the teacher's table where Sophie is leaning on. They all have their back towards the camera. And if someone observes carefully, they'll see it's already dark outside. Which means it was after school.

Below it says, having meetings all ready to take down the old ones?

But Sophie claims the photo was taken from the wrong angle and it was one of the environment club meetings after school but as the picture doesn't show who else was present in the photo with her, the principal refuses to take her words.

And now Sophie is in our press room to demand answers.

Even though flyers aren't a part of our newspaper, however, she doesn't seem to buy it. Or let's say, doesn't have enough brain cells to understand that.

So now we're trying to talk her to calm her down before she runs out to bring her daddy in this.

You must be wondering then what're we waiting for?

Apparently, someone's too busy to join the meeting in time and not letting us start it without him when Miles called him. And by the time he comes, Sophie made us her own slave, ordering three green tea, turning the window on and off, changing her seat, and of course affronting Grace for her lavender hair.

Did I mention she's one of those over-sophisticated girls?

Ashton approaches the door five minutes later. He clutches the doorframe and tries to catch his breath. When he feels all of our eyes on him, he flashes us a smile.

"Sorry for the delay, got held back," he says, still panting from the way. The way he's hair is all over the place and lips are swollen, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what had him held back.

But everyone lets it slide as Ashton takes a seat beside Cora on the other side of the table, much to my dismay.

To think of how he still can think of hooking up, almost makes me cross the room and drown him in the sea.

I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling so violent. It's not like he's my boyfriend or something that I should care about who he's fucking or not.

But the fact, how close we've grown in the last one month and how I thought he was different than all those rumors about him-all goes flushing down the toilet when I saw him with that girl earlier.

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