Chapter 58

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I walk up the stairs and make my way to the door as Ezra described: the last one in the right. There are multiple doors on the way on both sides. These Fellans have to be multi-millionaires to own such an enormous house. It's even bigger than Micheal's place.

I'm still a bit traumatized over the newly found information I found not long ago. A little surprised too. Why would Ashton want to hide the fact that his parents are gay?

Moreover, how come Ashton looks so much like Mr. Fellan, the other Mr. Fellan, Chris. Is there more in it than I thought?

First things first. I stop in front of the last door and knock it.

I don't want Aston to get mad and kick me out of the house for finding out the truth. I really hope he'll at least accept my apology.

"Leave me alone pop!" I hear Ashton's deep muffled voice from the other side.

I sigh and turn the knob. It's not locked. I push the door open without asking for his permission again only to find myself in the most boyish-girly room I've ever witnessed in my life.

The walls and cabinets are all blue. Like midnight blue. There's a four-poster bed in the center. A huge big flat screen is placed on the opposite side of the room with an Xbox and other gaming installed and built under it. Two small couches are spread across the floor.

But that's not where it ends.  Hundreds of books of different genres are neatly arranged in the in-built bookshelf on the wall. And there's a desk which is piled up with what looks like school books.

So this is how he gets all those straight As'.

There are no posters of nude models of the walls. Or prone magazines spread on the floor. There are, however,  dirty clothes spread there which I think have started stinking. Not so typical, right?

"Riley for the hundredth time, I'm not going to play good fairy and the big bad wolf with you until I finish this book," a voice says out of nowhere.

My jaw drops on the floor when I see the shadow emerging out of the ensuite bathroom. Did I mention he's only in his shorts?

I stare shamelessly at his perfect toned six-packs. Where does he get all that time to make them look this perfect?

Ashton doesn't notice me staring as he keeps his eye fixed on the book in his hand. Is that Inferno?

"Riley-oh-Snow?" Ashton asks with a confused look on his face. "How did you get here?"

I don't reply as my eyes start welling up with water. Without bothering his toned muscles and half-naked form, I run across the room and throw my arms around him.

Ashton, not having it coming, falls back a few steps and wraps his free arm around me as I sob in his arms.

"Kiara," he says softly and runs his hand in my hair. "How did you find my house?"

I pull back and hit him on the chest, taking Ashton out of surprise.

"Now what was that for?" He asks and takes a step back. I smack him.

"You idiot!" And again. "You know how worried I was?" I ask him. "And here you are, chilling and reading Inferno, toning muscles and god only knows what else."

Instead of getting mad, the corner of his lips turns upward. He runs a hand over his body.

"Like what you see Snow?" Ugh, I hate that smug tone.

I huff and cross my arms. Ashton starts laughing and pokes my cheek. I swat his hand away.

"Jerk!" Ashton continues laughing hysterically.

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