Chapter 17

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Out of all things in the world, he wants what?!

"Let me get this straight," Grace says. "You'll help us in exchange for letting you help us?"

Ashton thinks for a moment. "Now when you say it like that-" he scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, that's it," he says. "I want you guys to let me in your meetings, and treat me like another member of your committee."

Then he points a finger at me. "And I want her to stop telling me 'you're not a member of the committee, so back off!'" He says in a girly tone.

Everyone's gaze falls on me. I shoot a glare at Ashton, who grins at the sight and sticks his tongue out.

So mature.

I cross my arms and say, "Are you sure that's all?"

"Don't push your luck Snow," Ashton retorts.

"Okay, your wishes will be granted," Jason says and throws his arms around Ashton. Ashton, not having that coming, falls back a few steps. "Thank you so much, bro."

Ashton pats his back with his free arm. "Anything for my friends."

Everyone else swoons as I gauge. Since when he's our friend?

Jason pulls back and turns to us. "Well, that's all settled for now. It's getting late. We'll continue it at our next meeting. Let's go home and let Kiara take care of this-" he points a finger around my room. "Whatever she calls it."

"About going home," Payton draws. "Would you mind giving Promy a ride? I'll drive with Luca and Tristan."

I see Promy turning pink.

Promy joined our committee last year after her transfer here from her home country. Her father got a job in Georgia and her whole family had to move here to the USA. She's a Muslim and so everyone typically judged her to be the super religious, wearing hijab and call every else of us kafirs or something like that. Some like Cora even bullied her in the beginning.

Then Jason stood up for her against Cora and her crew. He introduced her to us. After that, she joined our club and we got to know she's just another average teenager.

She's so into makeup and has a vlog on YouTube. She has already married Ian Somerhalder in her dreams. But then she told me and Grace that she's badly crushing on Jason.

But of course, that nerd couldn't tell. And she can't tell him because of the fear of rejection. After all, she's a junior and he's a senior and will be leaving for college next year. Not to mention he sees her as a sister only.

"Sure," Jason shrugs. "Let's go Promy." Promy follows him after collecting her things.

"Am I the only one who feels some tension between them?" Ashton whispers to me.

See? Even Ashton can tell.

I shake my head in reply. Others start to leave and soon it's just me, Miles, Grace, and Ashton.

Miles doesn't have to worry about going home because he practically lives at my house. The other two stayed to help me with cleaning.

Yeah, Ashton too.

Grace cleans my room while Ashton helps me to take the trashes downstairs.

And Miles...well Miles throws himself on the couch and says, "I'll take a power nap, wake me up when you're done."

I throw a pillow at him. "Hope you die choking in your dreams," I yell. But he's already snoring.

Ashton chuckles and follows me downstairs.

The kitchen is empty when we walk in. Mom has evening class today so she won't be back until later. And Kat must be outside in the pool. She's always in the pool. Lucky for her, we live in the south.

I pick the sponge and start cleaning the dishes. All thanks to mom who disabled the dishwasher, because she doesn't believe in using electronics when we can simply do the job ourselves, despite all those modern kitchen technologies she installed when we moved in here.

"Let me do that." Ashton pushes me aside and starts cleaning the dishes.

"Are you sure?"

He shrugs. "It's no big deal," he says. "Dishwashers aren't allowed in my house either, something about they don't clean dishes properly. And it's always me who ends up doing them."

I smirk. "Your mom makes you do all the dishes? Huh, who would've guessed the big bad boy is such a mommy's boy."

Ashton stiffens and halts to a stop.

My eyes widen in realization.

Ashton never mentions his mom. I never heard of her from anyone. Or met her. I met his dad plenty of times before and then there in Uganda but I never saw his mom.

Is his-

"You can help me with drying these," Ashton says, cutting my thoughts. Maybe to change the topic. It must be a sore one for him.

I silently follow his order and dry the plates. Till now I haven't realized how little I know about Ashton.

Till now I thought he must have a rich happy family, with his sister and parents. Never thought about what must be going on inside his home.

"What're you thinking?"

I shake my head and mutter an apology. Ashton hands me another dish and I dry it. He wasn't bragging, he can do the dishes. I didn't think boys are capable of doing these jobs, but Ashton keeps proving me wrong all the time.

"Thanks for sticking up for Derek with me," I tell him.

"It was nothing," he doesn't meet my eyes. "I know Derek isn't foolish, he thinks at least five times before taking one step. The reason the coach made me the captain instead of him."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Ashton shrugs. "I won't lie, Derek is a good player, but he's never willing to take risks," he says. "But football is all about taking risks. Derek is always so precautious that the coach feared that if he becomes the captain, our team won't even make it to the qualifier."

"Being cautious isn't something wrong," I mumble.

"When did I say that?" Ashton tilts his head towards me. "Is it about that rule book of yours?" His eyes meet mine. I know what he's talking about.

"It's not a book, merely a poster," I inform him.

"It is about it, isn't it?" Ashton presses. "Better safe than sorry?"

I choose to ignore the question. Ashton also falls into silence and continues doing the dishes.


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