Chapter 18

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"What is that outside?" Ashton mumbles after a while. I glance at him and find him staring out at the pool. His brows furrow and he bent down to look closely. "Is that-"

I move closer to inspect the matter and relax visibly when I see what he's pointing at.

"Grisbee?" I suggest. "Yes."

"Grisbee?" Ashton looks confused. "You named your cat what?!"

Oh yes, I forgot I hadn't told him her name the other day.

"Don't ask me what came upon me when I named her."

Ashton stares amusedly at me. "I didn't know you have such bad tastes of names."

I shove him. "What? I'm serious. Do the world a favor and leave it upon your husband to name your children."

"Children, huh?" I smirk. "How're you sure I want one in the first place?"

"Well for starters you look like one."

"One who wants kids?" I raise a brow.

Ashton shrugs. "And I might or might not have heard Derek saying he wants many of them."

My cheek turns red. He can't talk about something like that with his teammates. We're not that serious-okay, we are serious about our relationship, but babies? That's way too far.

"But don't tell him I told you that," Ashton says. "I don't think he'll be thrilled to know that you're talking to me."

And one can only wonder how he'll react if he finds out we're friends. I'm almost surprised that he hasn't brought it up to Derek yet, even just to provoke him. Not that befriending Ashton is anything illegal or something.

"I don't even want to know what else you boys talk behind that door."

"Oh, you'll love them." Ashton winks. "Anyways, mind explaining what's going on out there?"

He points at Grisbee again. She's floating on the inflatable float in the pool outside. It's nothing unusual. She loves doing things like that. I see Kat swimming in the pool too which means I don't have to worry about her drowning. Not that she ever drowned before.

I bet she can swim too.

Told you that the cat is crazy.

"She likes to believe she's a part of human beings," I say. "She does things like that. Floating, sunbathing, watching tv, her all-time favorite series are Friends and Vampire Diaries. If she's watching them, then you won't dare to change the channel. I bet she had a crush on Ian too."

Ashton looks amused. "If I didn't know any better, I would've assumed by now she's either Professor McGonagall or Mrs. Norris."

I gasp and look at him. "You're a Potterhead too?!"

Ashton casually continues his work, unaffected by my words. "Is it a crime for boys to read Harry Potter?"

"No, but it's YOU!"

"And that makes a difference because-" he looks sharply at me.

"I didn't peg you as one," I say honestly.

"Then I'll tell you that you're a smart one. I never read a single book of that series," he informs me. "I watched all of the movies though."

That jerk! I hit his arms. "For a minute you made me feel guilty for judging you!"

"Ouch! That hurts, violent woman!" He nurses his arm.

"And I won't apologize," I cross my arms.

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