Chapter 38

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I watch the scene before me with horror as dad examines Ashton.

I have to confess, Ashton has nice abs. I wonder how come I never noticed them before.

Bad Kiara.

I stick my tongue out at my inner conscious mind.

"Does it hurt here?" Dad pokes a spot on his back. Ashton, too stubborn to admit, just winces.

Dad nods and gets on his feet and Ashton remains lying on our sofa.

"Just a normal pain, nothing that little ointment I gave you, and some painkillers can't solve," he says. "You should be able to walk fine after a little rest."

"Thank you so much," Ashton says and tries to get up but fails again.

I don't move to help him. That might look suspicious.

"How did you fall again?" Dad asks him.

Here he goes. "He slipped in our drive," I quickly lie before the half-unconscious Ashton blurts anything.

Dad nods. "Yes, our drive is awfully slippery." I notice the humor in his comment but keep quiet.

Don't get me wrong. I hate lying to my parents. But I don't think he would really appreciate it if we tell him the truth-that Ashton falls down while trying to sneak in his daughter's room- even though he's intentions were fully friend-zoned.

Mom walks into the living room. "I'm so sorry dear it happened to you," she says. "You were just trying to be a good friend."

Ashton told my parents that he came to see me when he couldn't find me at the party, even though he's in casual clothes.

Ashton waves a hand. "Don't worry Agnes, I'm fine. In fact, I'm starting to feel better since Will gave me the ointment."

"That's Mr. White for you," dad deadpans.

Mom shushes him and gives Ashton a bowl of soup and a cup of green tea.

"Drink them before taking the painkillers," mom tells him. "You'll feel better in no time."

"Thank you guys so much," Ashton says. He groans as he tries to sit up. Mom brings more cushions for him to lean on. "And I'm sorry to interrupt your night again. Kiara didn't tell me you guys were going out."

He sends a glare in my direction. I shrug. It's not my fault he was being a jerk lately.

"Oh no," Mom blushes and tries to hide it with a laugh. "Will and I go outside the country every year a week before our wedding anniversary."

"That's cool," Ashton says. "You guys are so in love."

This makes mom blush harder as dad clears his throat. Ashton looks at me for approval. I nod.

"I hope you won't mind if we leave. Our Uber will be here in a few minutes," Mom tells him.

"Oh no, please go. I'm sorry again for intruding. It was such bad timing."

Mom shakes her head. "You can come whenever you want. Our house is your house too."

I choke on my own split. Does she even know what that means?

Dad doesn't look happy about it either. But he also restrains himself from killing Ashton right now and here.

As promised, the Uber arrives in a few minutes. I help them to carry their suitcases to the car.

Mom kisses both Kat and me. "Take care girls. We're trusting you guys to behave on your own."

"Don't worry about us mom. Just enjoy your holiday," I say and hug her.

"Though I still wish grandma and grandpa could come," Kat says.

"Don't worry sweetie, they'll be over thanksgiving," mom assures her.

Dad hugs us too. "Take care girls and don't do anything we don't want anything you do."

I roll my eyes. "We're not four, dad. And it's just one week."

Mom goes to the living room to say goodbye to Ashton, much to dad's dismay.

Just as they are about to leave, dad turns to me. "A piece of advice," he whispers to me. "Don't try to sneak him in your room without training him first. He's lucky he didn't fall on those rose bushes."

I gasp. How does he know?

"I went to medical school. You don't get hit like that from a simple misstepping," he answers for me. "Moreover, I was a teenager once."

With that, dad leaves me gaping at the door.

Even minutes after the Uber drives away, I stand there and try to process his words.

Did Dad just assume I was trying to sneak a guy-who's not my boyfriend by the way-in my room?



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