Chapter 20

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I watch as Ashton cuts the pizza into eight equal halves and serves them in seven plates with my mom's cookies and the coffee I made.

The pizza that was supposed to be his and mine only.

The pizza my growling stomach is waiting for two hours.

When he's done and turns around, he meets my frowning face.

Ashton lets out a heavy sigh. "Are you for real?"

I cross my arms and hold my chin high. "We still have time. Let's tell them you burnt the pizza and give them the cookies only."

Ashton snorts and shoves a plate in front of me. "Call yourself lucky. You're getting two slices."

"But I want-"

"Shh." He presses a finger over my lips.

I stomp my foot. "This is my house."

"And I made the pizza."

"You're not helping. Why am I getting only two slice-"

"Did anyone say pizza?" I spoke too soon. Because the eighth sharer of my pizza is here. Miles is standing in the back of the kitchen.

"How did you get in?" I ask him.

He points at the backdoor. "It's always unlocked."

"Really?" Ashton asks. "Good. I spent a whole week waiting for Snow to get her ass downstairs to open the door. Now I don't have to do that anymore."

My cheeks turn red. "I'm still here."

"Good," he says and takes one slice from my plate. "I'll make you another one tomorrow," he mutters in my ear and gives it to Miles.

My mouth falls. How dare he?!

And did he just say he'll make another tomorrow? He's planning to come back tomorrow?

"Pizza!" Miles says excitedly.

"Yeah, sorry dude, one slice for each," Ashton informs him. "Come on Snow, let's go to the living room. Everyone's waiting for us."

"Who's waiting?" Miles asks in confusion.

I don't move.

Ashton sighs. He hands Miles another plate. "Kat is upstairs. Can you take it to her?"

"Sure but who else is here?" He asks.

"You'll see," Ashton says and walks towards me.

I turn around with my plate. "I'm not going to speak with you."

I hear Miles leaving the kitchen.

Ashton puts his hands on my shoulders. "Stop being a baby Snow."

"I'll be whatever I want."

"This is too much."


"How about ice cream after they leave?"

"It's my house, I can have the ice cream whenever I want."

He turns me around in a swift move. I close my eyes. I'm not getting into his game.


"Nope." I cross my arms.

"Come on, please."


"All this because you want fifty percent of a pizza?"

I don't say anything. "Snow?"

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