Chapter 10

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"So how old is this sister of yours?" For some reason, I feel like starting a conversation. The ride is already getting awkward.

"Interested, are we White?" Ashton has this look on his face, which gives me a sudden urge to punch him.

When I tell Ashton my situation, he immediately agrees to help. Well not without making a little fun of me (like I'm desperate for him, missing him already, trying to give him my address already blah blah). But in the end, I get in his Aston Martin with him. I laugh when I see it. Ashton Fellan owns an Aston Martin, now that rings a bell.

He informs me he has half an hour to kill anyway (and joked how he would like to get my address-I give him my real address after a lot of mental debate).

"Her name is Riley. She's eight, going in third grade." He tells me.

"I have a sister too."

"I know, her name is Katherine."

My pause and turn to face him. "How do you know that?" Is he spying me now?

But Ashton waves a hand dismissively. "Don't think so highly of yourself," he says. "She came to me the other day. She and a friend of hers. What was her name again?" He taps his chin. "Oh yes, Leigh."

I raise a brow. "Then what?"

"Well your sister apologized to me on your behalf, for the article you published," he smirks. "Then I told her it's alright and she doesn't have to take someone's responsibility. And then Leigh asked for my number."

My jaw hits the floor. "What?!" That piece of shit! Wait till I get my hands on her.

"Don't worry. I told them my parents took all my electronics from me, including my phone, after the blame her sister put on me. Those sweet girls felt so sorry for me and apologized again before leaving."

I feel hot smoke coming out of my ears. "When did this happen?"


"And you didn't feel it necessary to tell me till now?"

The car stops at a signal and his hands shot up. "You didn't bring it up before now."

I pull him down by his collar so our eyes are on the same level. "A humble request, please if you ever, I mean ever see my sister ask for your or any of your friend's number around, do inform me."

He smirks. "Now your boyfriend won't find it nice if he ever heard about this." He points a finger to the distance between us and untangles my hand from his collar. "And as I told you I haven't given them my number. They are not the first freshmen who approached me. Hence, I don't give sophomores my number too. They are too-how to put it-young for me?"

I mentally snort. Says the king of heartbreak.

When he figures that's not exactly helping my case, he slings an arm around my shoulder. "Chill, it was her friend who asked my number, not her."

I sigh and look at my lap. "But she was with her." The green sign appears and Ashton drives the car to the left.

He's not getting it. No one does. This is not a good sign. This reminds me of my freshman year when I was that naive and stupid too. Cora used to go around and ask for all the jocks number and I, as stupid I was, followed her everywhere. As if it was a game.

Kat won't understand what I'm saying now. Because she doesn't know what I had to went through because of the same mistake she is making.

"Come on, take a chill pill." Ashton offers me an Orbit. I take it from him.

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