Chapter 49

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Ashton pulls the car in front of Lydia's Dance Studio.

"Come on, we should get going before Riley starts throwing tantrums," Ashton says as we get out of the car.

I chuckle and follow him towards the building. Ashton holds the door open and lets me in first.

As I step inside the door, I look around and find small girls in pink and white dresses giggling and running around the reception.

One girl is practicing her steps while other girls circle around her. Many of the parents are talking with each other enthusiastically.

"Hey, it's been a while," I hear a sweet voice saying and turn to my left.

A girl, not much older than us is walking in our direction as she keeps her eyes on someone behind me-Ashton.

"Lydia," Ashton greets her as she stops in front of him. "We just met at Riley's recital a few weeks ago."

Lydia pouts. "That doesn't mean I don't get to miss my most favorite guardian here."

I wonder why.

Her eyes drift from Ashton and land on me. She looks between Ashton and me and then whispers something in his ears.

I see Ashton shaking his head while laughing. Then he glances at me and gives me a light smile.

About time he remembers that I'm still here.

"Snow, meet Lydia, Riley's ballet tutor," he tells me and looks at Lydia. "And Lydia, this is Kiara. A good friend of mine."

Yeah, good friend.

Something flickers in Lydia's eyes and she smiles at me softly. "Hi Kiara, it's nice to meet you."

I try to return her smile, but can't ignore the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It's no doubt Lydia is beautiful. It's not just her face, but the whole existence of her. Her red hair is pulled into a bun. And that killer body of her, there's no doubt Ashton would go for a girl like her.

And that makes my stomach hurt more. What's with it today?

Just then, we hear a loud yelp as a small girl climbs on Ashton's back. "You're late ogre!"

The girl screams in Ashton's ears. She looks around eight years old wearing black dancewear and her kinky hairs are pulled into a braid. Almost instantly Ashton's whole feature changes from gentlemen-ish to a boyish one.

I watch with awe as Ashton wraps his arms around her little ones and makes a loud 'wolfish-noise' and tilts his head to the side. "What's up Riley-bear?"

The girl giggles and jumps up and down on his back.

Lydia shakes her head with a laugh and excuses herself. I, on the other hand, freeze on the spot.

This is Riley? As in Riley, Ashton's little sister? But-

Suddenly I realize why Ashton was hesitating to bring me here. It's not because he thought I'd be mad at him for ruining our plan.

It's because he was afraid of how I would react.

Because even from miles away, anyone can tell they're not bloodily related. Even sharing one same parent doesn't apply in their case. Because while Ashton has dark brown straight hair, electric blue eyes with pale-now a bit tanned from playing football-skin, his sister is blessed with dark skin with dark eyes and black kinky hair.

And as because I've met Mr. Fellan already, it leads me to two conclusions: either Ashton and Riley are step-siblings or Riley is adopted.

I shake my head and clear my thoughts. I probably should not jump to the conclusion. So I turn my attention back to the siblings in front of me.

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