Chapter 35

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Today's match is a big deal for both teams. Because they entered the tournament without their best players this year, this match is their last chance to get into the next round.

Nonetheless, both the team's supporters seem way too confident about winning the match.

Ashton parks the car five minutes walking away from Roosevelt's campus because if things go shady after the match, leaving the car there will be the fastest way to flee.

I've been here once before to watch their last year's game, for Derek. Needless to say, Ashton won us the match.

Derek sends me a text to know where I was.

I'm running a bit late, good luck captain, see you after the game- I send him.

His reply was immediate- Lots of kissing face emojis.

This lifts my mood up and I glance at Ashton who's walking by my side.

"Does it feel weird?" I ask him. "To come to watch the game after being banned from the team? You're the reason our team won all the matches last year."

"Nah," Ashton waves a hand dismissively. "I'm just pretending I graduated last year and came to see my descendants play. Pretty hopeless descendants, I must add."

I chuckle. Only him. "The coach is really ungrateful for banning you from the team after what you've done for them."

Ashton shrugs. "It doesn't matter anymore," he says. "Karma got him."

I nod. "That's the only thing that kept me going on after that stunt Cora had pulled on me."

"Well, she's paying for that now," Ashton jokes.

"Yes, and even now I feel a bit bad for her," I tell him.

Ashton shrugs. "She had it coming. Karma never shows mercy. It's the only thing that keeps my hopes up."

"That karma will get the person whoever did something wrong with you down?" I tilt my head.

He nods.

"I believe that too," I say. "Great minds think alike."

Ashton chuckles. "About time you admit I'm great."

"I never denied that one." Ashton raises a brow. "Great and a douche. And full of yourself."

"That I can't disagree." I shake my head as we enter Roosevelt High.

The bleachers are already full. Too many students came to watch the match. Most are already in their Halloween costume, making it hard to tell the mascots apart. The cheerleaders of both teams have taken their position on either side of the field when we reach there.

Ashton and I were looking for an empty spot in the bleacher when a hand flies in our direction.

Our friends have already saved a spot for us.

"At least we don't have to spend the next two hours standing here," Ashton jokes and we make our way through the crowd.

Grace, Miles, Payton, Luca, Asher, and even Jason and Cora are there. Promy and Tristan are sitting in the row in front of ours with Bonnie.

"You came too?" I ask Cora.

"Of course. I love to see Ashley's defeated face after every match." Cora snorts.

Even though that stings a little, I let her remark pass. Grace scoots to let me sit between her and Miles.

"So where were you two?" Miles muses. 

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