Chapter 47

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'a/n: This is my first attempt to write a boy's POV (😉), I hope it's not too bad.'

Ashton's POV

I stare at the scene before me as the short brown head fights with the big security guy.

"For the hundredth time, you can't take that thing inside," the security says.

"For the hundredth time, she is not a thing," Snow hisses.

The man looks unfazed. "You can't take 'her' inside."

"But she's my pet!"

"And it's our park's policy."

I kind of agree with the big guy here. Not only because he's capable of beating the shit out of me, but also the fact he can't do anything against the policy.

Seriously, I wonder what that girl was thinking when she brought Grisbee with us for playing paintball!

Then again, what girl names her cat Grisbee?

I remember I had this puppy when I was in pre-K and named him Bruno. Everyone in my class laughed at me for that. The thoughts of my days in New York precisely don't please me.

'Technically, Bruno does sound kind of old fashioned,' my brain says. 'Grisbee, on the other hand- well, I don't think such a word even exists.'

I agree with that one. A smile plays in the corner of my lips when Snow throws her arms around, carefully so Grisbee doesn't fall from her grips, and stomps her feet.

The cat herself also tries to pursue the big man with her adorable cat charms. I don't blame her charms for not working on this big guy.

She must not be the first person who wants to take her pet with her in the park. There's another girl standing beside Snow, pleading to the guy to allow her pet chipmunk to go inside with her.

Poor guy. It's not like I respect his job, but I never ever want to end up in his position.

The security looks directly at me over her shoulder. "You there!" He says. Uh oh. "Tell your girlfriend she can't take her beloved cat in the park."

I almost choke on my own splits. "She's not my girlfriend," I cough at the same time Snow yells, "I'm not his girlfriend!"

The man looks between us and rolls his eyes. "Kids of this generation and their stages of relationships," he mutters. Excuse me?! "Whatever, just get lost out of here. You're eating us excessive attention."

I look around and see a crowd forming not far away from us. Many passersby stop to watch the exchange between the small girl and the built security.

I assume it is high time for me to step in.

But as I start walking her way, Snow turns around and steps back. "Stay away!" She says. "Don't come near me."

"Snow lis-"


"Listen to your boyfriend little girl," the security says again.

This makes her furious and she turns around. "For the last time, he is not my BOYFRIEND!"

Before she can jump in for another round, I wrap my hands around her and pull her back.

"Easy tiger," I whisper in her ears. "I don't want to bring your parents all the way from Australia just to bail you out of jail. Not to mention the jail card won't look pretty in your college applications."

The mention of college applications her attention and she eventually calms down. I let go of her slowly, already missing her warmth.

"Whatever, let's get out of here,"  with one last glare at the big guy, Snow turns to leave.

With a defeated sigh, I smile at the big guy apologetically, who doesn't return it, and I follow her towards my car.

I'm not mad or upset at her for putting a scene and almost kicking us out of the park.

Because, for this once, Snow has been her real self in the public. The Kiara that only her friends and family know. The Snow I know.

I know she doesn't like it when I call her that but she doesn't hate it either. At least I put some effort into finding a nickname.

I pull my car out of the parking lot. Snow doesn't say another word. She might be regretting the show she started already.

But I'm not. I'm happy that she let her true self out for once. She needed it for her own good.

Snow crosses her arms and pouts.


I wonder why I haven't noticed her till that paper scandal.

'Are you sure about that?'

I clear my throat mentally. Of course, I'm not. Even though we didn't start on good terms, I would be lying if I say she never caught my attention.

Honestly, she was the first thing in this school that caught my attention. I remember her walking in Samantha's office wearing her casual tee and denim with a blue Cardigan.

Did I ever mention blue suits her the best?

But then, that bastard asked her out before I could even get to know her.

Truth to be spoken, ever since Snow told me that Derek broke up with her this morning, I feel like I'm on cloud nine. I know I shouldn't feel that way. She's my friend and I know I should respect her relationships, but a guy can't help himself.

Especially when he has an eye on the girl.

That's right folk, you heard (or read) it right. So now zip up your mouth and keep it between us.

And it's not like I'm going to rush and ask her out anytime soon. I should give her time to be over that bastard. And I also don't want to rush things between us.

Again, it's not like I or my feelings had anything to do with the breakup.

I wonder if her behavior earlier in the park has something to do with it.

Speaking of that bastard, I should keep a close eye on him. Derek and his friends don't seem themselves lately.

Well, they haven't been themselves ever since the beginning of the semester.

"So we've been kicked out of the park," Snow says once the car stops at the red light.

"Well, in a manner of speaking, yes," I tell her.

I hear her sigh. "I don't know what came up to me," she says. "I just felt like-"

"Shh," I take her hand in mine. "It's okay, you're not the first."

"Are you sure?" She sounds like a toddler who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Despite the object jumping inside my chest, I nod. "I'm sure he has to deal with such things on a daily basis."

"But I wasn't being myself there," she says.

"No you were, you were just being the real you. It was anything but normal."

Snow looks like she's in deep thought.

Grisbee is sleeping peacefully in my back seat. I just hope she won't do anything funny on those expensive leathers.

"So what'll we do now?" Snow asks after a while. "We already wasted so much time trying to get in the park. I can't think of anywhere else to go."

The traffic light turns from yellow to green as I tell her, "I think I know just the place." And I drive us to my favorite place in this town.


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