Chapter 39

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I continue glaring at the boy sitting on the opposite couch.

Ashton, being delusional of my deathly glares, continues playing with Grisbee. I don't get what she sees in him. She usually doesn't like any of my friends.

Ashton smiles at her and looks at me, only to meet my scowl.

"Are you ever going to tell me what I've done wrong?" He asks.

I scoff and look away crossing my arms. My dad just thought I was sneaking a boy in my room when it wasn't even my fault in the first place! Do I need to explain more? Hmm, that's what I thought.

Kat walls in the room. "How do I look?" She says twirling around.


"Overdressed." They both turn to me.

"Kiara!" Ashton gasps as Kat's face falls.

"What? I'm just stating the truth," I say crossing my arms. "Does she realize it's just a movie marathon, not prom?"

"But it's still not a nice thing to say to your sister," Ashton says. "See how upset you made her?"

I turn my gaze to my little sister. Indeed, she looks like she's on the verge of crying.

"Okay, okay, don't cry," I tell her. "You look beautiful in that but I don't think you should wear that dress to make your crush on him obvious."

Ashton's mouth turns to an 'O' as my sister blushes. Feeling insulted for being ignored, Grisbee jumps out of Ashton's lap.

"If you really want him to like you," I tell her. "Like really really like you, and not as a fuck-buddy-" Ashton flinches. "-act casual around him."

Both Kat and Ashton look like they're in deep thoughts.

Five minutes later, Kat walks into the room wearing her casual tee and denim.


"Perfect," Ashton and I say at the same time.

Kat beams. "Thanks, guys, I'll be going now."

"Enjoy the night."

"Be careful."

Ashton and I say at the same time.

"So if you want to impress someone," Ashton says once Kat's gone. "The rule is to act casual around them?"

"Not for you," I mutter.

Ashton frowns. "What do you mean by not for me?"

I roll my eyes. Man child. "Not trying to be sexist, but that advice is for girls."

Ashton pressed his lips together thoughtfully. "So what's for the guys?"

"Man up and tell the person how you feel about them before it's too late."

Ashton nods. "Already too late," he mumbles under his breath.

I raise a brow. "Whom are you crushing on now?"

This catches him off-guard. "W-what?" Look who's shattering. "N-no one."

But the red spots on his cheeks say otherwise. I simply tilt my head at him and raise a brow.

"Don't ask, okay?" Ashton pleads.

Of course, I'm going to act like a nice concerned friend.

So I jump on the couch with him and press myself against him.

"Who's she? Do I get a name? Does she go to our school? Or is it someone from your old school?"

He pushes me off him as the blush deepens. "None of your business," he deadpans.

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