Chapter 26

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Ashton nudges my shoulder. He's still behind me.

I don't even have the courage to face him. Heck, I don't think I'll be able to face him again.

"Here's your pass," Mrs. Roth says walking inside the room. She looks around the room and her eyes fall on me. "Kiara, dear, would you like to go?"

I nod numbly and take the pass from her.

"Is everything okay dear?" She asks me.

I nod. "Everything's fine."

Mrs. Roth doesn't look assured with my reply but gives me the pass anyway. "Ask her if she can let you check the room."

I barely say an 'okay' before running out of the room.

I needed to get out of there. All my friends were there. They heard off of it. They saw the look on my face. They know all about it now. Worst of all, Cora knows all about it now.

Everyone will talk about it. More people will get to know about it. I'll become the bottom of the joke.

So much for staying out of boy trouble.

When I reach the library finally, I stop to catch my breath, which was a bad decision.

Not seconds later, I hear footsteps stopping right behind me.

I don't even need three guesses to tell who it is.

"Why?" I ask him. Why did you come after me? Ashton only steps closer.

"Don't you think I've been humiliated enough?" I say. "Everyone heard it. They'll call me stupid not to have any idea of my boyfriend's whereabouts. Doesn't that make me sound like Cora?"

"No," Ashton says finally. Then he turns me around.

I try to hide my face which is now covered with my tears.

Ashton's face softens when he sees it. He cups my face gently and lifts it up. "Look at me."

I shake my head.

"Snow," he says, his voice softer this time. "Look at me."

And so I did. What's there to hide anymore?

"You were right. He is no good."

Ashton shakes his head. "No, I wasn't."

He wipes some tears from my face with his thumb.

"But you-"

"I know what I said yesterday," he cuts me. "And I was wrong. I was worried about you and let my anger get the best of me."

"But why?" Why does he care?

"Because you're my friend. The first person who was willing to stand up for me. Jason told me how you reacted instantly when you heard why the coach has suspended me from the team," he says. "He said you were one step away to take the blame on yourself if he didn't stop you."

My cheeks burn. Fucking Jason.

"It was because it felt like the right thing to do," I tell him.

Ashton's smile broadens only. "I was just so mad at him for ditching you yesterday. You were so excited to finally spend some time with him," he says. "If I had an actual girlfriend too, I would've given her all my attention and time."

That did it. I break into tears again. Ashton wraps his arms around me. Instead of jerking away, I wrap my arms around his neck and sob silently.

Ashton doesn't flinch or pull back.

"What else do you think he's hiding from me?" I say between my tears. "All those weekends he shifted our dates, I thought he was actually busy with football. But now I know why." I sob. "Next thing I'll know he's cheating on me too."

"Shh," Ashton pulls away and wipes my face again. "Don't think like that, everything will be alright."


"No, he's not," Ashton says. "Even though he's my only opponent in the team, I hate his gut and will be delighted to see his girlfriend dumping his sorry ass, but I can't wish the same for my friend. For someone, I care about."

"Is that me?" Even between my tears, I manage to smile.

Ashton rolls his eyes. "Nah, I'm talking about Lady Gaga."

I snort. Ashton chuckles.

"I'm telling the truth," he says. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about seeing Derek at the party because I didn't want to upset you. Besides, I didn't think you would've believed me even if I told you the truth. But he's not cheating on you. I would've known if he was."

When I don't say anything, Ashton continues, "He comes with his friends and leaves with them, unconscious a few times." My face grimaces.

"Okay, I trust you," I tell Ashton. "But he still has a lot of explanations to do."

"Whatever you desire, Snow." He offers me a tissue.

"Could've given it earlier," I mutter and wipe my face. He replies to me by offering Snickers.

I take it from him as he takes another one out of his pocket and starts eating. "Are you full of snacks?"

"Growing up kid," he says and eats half of the Snickers in one bite. "We need lots of nutrition."

I shake my head and muffle a laugh.

"So are we okay again?" Ashton asks after a while.

How can I say 'no' when he shares his chocolate bar with me?

"Only if you promise me if you ever hear anything about Derek you'll tell me," I say.

Ashton pauses before nodding. "Okay, I will."

"Then you're forgiven," I say and give him a broad smile, which he returns with one of his own.

However, our small reunion gets interrupted by a throat clearing behind us.

We turn around and see Principal Samatha standing behind us. "And what brings you here to me on the weekend?"

We look behind us and find ourselves standing in front of the back door of the Principal's office. Did I mention it's beside the library?

I look at Ashton as he keeps his glance at our Principal.

Then he waves her a hand. "Hello Principal, it's been a while."

Principal Samantha only crosses her arms, fully unfazed by his enthusiasm.

That's it, I tell myself. We're so doomed.

But why are we doomed again?

Just then, Ashton brings his other hand out of his pocket and offers it to her. "Want some Snickers, Samantha? I have Milkyway too if you prefer."


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