Chapter 34

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At first, I stood in his arms shellshocked. When he doesn't release me, I visibly relax in his touch and slowly bring my arms around him too.

"And just not them. Everyone else is just like 'oh look! How lucky the Whites are, they have the perfect laity, perfect parent and even perfect daughters!'" I mimic those nosy neighbors. "And then they'll start, 'Kiara, dear, you're going to an Ivy League, right?'"

He nods. "But you're far away from that."

"See? You can tell it even without talking to me for weeks!" I say. Then a sob leaves my mouth. "I'm doing the worst, Ashton, my second test result came out yesterday, and it's not better than the first one. I can't even focus on the essays. At this rate, Ivy League colleges won't even open my application."

"Do you want it?"

I look at him. "Want what?"

"Going to an Ivy League college," he says. "They are loads of work, are you ready for that? My dad went to one and he told me I should apply there only if I'm ready for all that works."

I sigh. "I don't know anymore what I want and what I don't want."

"Well, you're lucky that we got plenty of times in our hands," he says. "We'll talk about it sometime later when you're ready."

He tightens his grip around me. We stay like that, engulfing in each other's embrace. It's just another friendly gesture, Miles and I hug all the time. Yet, when Ashton hugs me, it feels different.

I feel different.

Jack's word runs in my head. Am I cheating behind Derek with Ashton?

My inner-conscious part snorts. 'Ashton doesn't think of you more than just a friend' it says. 'I bet he thinks of you as his sister.'

The thought doesn't relieve me in the way it should've.

But I push it away and tightens my arms around Ashton.

He pulls away first. "I'm sorry if I did the wrong thing by distancing with you," he says. "I swear it wasn't my intention. I thought you hated me for what I said to you in Mrs. Roth's class."

"I would never do that," I say. "It was wrong of me to press you anyway. Your family is none of my business."

Ashton shakes his head. "No, you had every right to be curious. I know so much about you and your family but you don't even know where I live." He pauses. "I wish I could tell you everything, but I can't. I'm sorry. But don't ask me why."

"I won't."

"You would've understood it too if you knew." I nod.

Ashton pauses. "It's okay if you don't want to be my friend anymore-"

"No, it's not like that," I tell him. "I thought you were mad at me after what had happened. Looks like we were both wrong."

Ashton chuckles.

Then an image flashes in my mind. "But you also seem to be very comfy with having your ladies around again," I say bitterly.

This seems to amuse him.

"What can I do? Girls just love me," Ashton winks.

I shake my head, but can't help the smile on my face.

This turns smirk into a real smile too. Ashton slings his arms around me and leads me to the door.

"Honestly I missed having you around too. The boys seem to be a bit too much sometimes. It's nice to have a sensible friend."

I laugh. "Where are you taking me by the way? You know the match begins in an hour. I've to go there."

"I know that's where we are going right now," he says. "Grace told me earlier you'll be needing a ride."

I nod. "Mom's car is in service so she took mine at work. She dropped me in the morning. Honestly riding with mothers is a bit embarrassing for seniors."

Ashton chuckles. "Then think of Miles."

Oh yeah, the poor lad lost his right over his car and rides with his mom and brother at school every day as his punishment.

"Anyway, I told Grace you won't need a lift."

"What?" I furrow my brows. "Why?"

"Because you'll be riding with me," he says. "I told her already and she's fine with it."

I gasp. "You planned to talk with me all along?"

Ashton nods. "I've been thinking about talking to you for a while but today seems to be the best option as you don't have that bulldog of that boyfriend around."

I ignore his last remark.

My thoughts run somewhere else. He's going to watch the team playing without him again? He watched the first match because it was on our campus, but he hadn't gone to watch any after that.

"Do you really think I'm gonna  miss watching my friends playing?" Ashton shakes his head. "Not even if I die." He walks towards his Martin.

'Yeah and I'm the Queen of England," I mutter and follow him.

Ashton holds his car door open for me. I raise a brow at his sudden courtesy. Then he ruins the mood by pushing me inside before he rounds the car and drives us toward our destination.



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