Chapter 55

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Ignoring all the doubts, I took mom's advice of talking to him the next morning. Maybe it would've worked.

If Ashton went to school on the following day.

Or the day after that.

Or the next day.

It's been a whole week since Ashton has been MIA. No one knows where he is. He's not picking up his phone or replying to any of my texts. Or anyone else's.

He's just gone. Vanished into the thin air.

Rumors of him leaving the school have started to spread from the second day. I would probably have believed them by now if Principal Samantha hadn't assured me that he hasn't sent any transfer letter yet. But she also refused to give me any of his personal information so I can know where he lives.

His friends are worse. No matter how badly Grace and I try to persuade them, they won't open their mouths.

Ashton's lucky to have friends like them.

And so am I.

It's true. If it wasn't for my friends, I might've considered moving out of the state by now. Because since the daily victimizing the students has stopped from the day Ashton left, people are starting to believe it was us behind it.

And now they're thanking whoever the anonymous person is who revealed our secret.

I can hardly make it to a class without being bullied without a friend on my side. And if none of them are in the class, Nyako, Owen or the student of the student council has my back.

Still, they aren't anything like Ashton was. I know it sounds stupid and ridiculous, but it's the truth.

Mom was right, I really do like him. Maybe that's why I'm staring at his locker across the hallway for the last ten minutes. The final bell rang long ago and students are still rushing towards the exit.

Some pauses when they see me standing there, only for a brief second before running for the door.

Cora and Asher pass by. Asher stops to greet me, but Cora makes a noise and walks away. With not many options left with, Asher waves at me before following her.

I sigh. It's all my fault now. I shouldn't have assumed Cora. Yes, there was a spy among us undoubtedly. But now, even I think it wasn't Cora. But then who else?

Cora seemed the most logical option back then. She hated me for some reason, unfriended me, bullied me, spread rumors about me, and started hating my friends because they welcomed me in their job, and then she was so nice all of a sudden.

'Maybe it was just Ashley's words all over your head,' my consciousness states.

Don't make me start on her now. Ever since the day Ashton is gone, Derek has become the new King of the school and his friends and followers from the football team are his courts. Ashley and her group of minions have joined them shortly, with our new baseball captain, Chuck. I try my best not to cross my path with them, especially after what Derek called me the other day.

I feel a pinch on my arm. "Are you even listening?" I turn around to face Grace.

She was probably saying something and I missed it since I was busy sulking over someone in particular.

Geez, I sound like a sappy girlfriend.

"I said I'm done," Grace repeats. "Shall we go now?"

I try not to bother myself with that boy more than I did already and nod. "Yeah, let's go to Jim's."

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