Chapter 27

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I can't remember if I met a stupider person in my life. Who offers their principals chocolate to bribe them? Especially the ones who look like they go through loads of shits to maintain that figure?

I close my eyes and wait for the worst to come. Any second now.

But nothing happens.

After a long pause, I hear Principal Samantha say, "I'll take the Milkyway."

I hear a shuffling noise and peek an eye open. My jaw falls on the floor at the sight in front of me.

Ashton runs his hand through his pocket and takes a Milkyway out. He offers it to the Principal and she takes it from him.

Then she gives both of us a stern look. "This better stay between us."

She walks past me in her office.

Ashton also turns around. "What?" He asks.

"Don't 'what?' me!" I hiss and drag him with me away from the Principal's hearing range. "What just happened there? I thought she hated sweets. She even banned cupcakes and other sweets from our lunch menu."

Ashton pockets his hands. "I have no idea where you heard that from, but from what I know, that banning action was taken because this school was running low in the budget because of the renovation two years ago."

I furrow my brows. "Who told you that?"

"Cora, her dad is in the guidance council, remember?" He says. "You probably heard the bunch of rumors some sadist spread around the school."

I look at him with a shocked expression. "But-but she just told us to keep-"

"Ah that," Ashton grins. "You see, you might not know from the anti-socialist you are, but Samatha has a channel on YouTube called Heath Beauty, she talks loads shits about maintaining body diets and staying healthy there. So it might hurt her reputation if people start to know she's a forever chocolate-holic."


"Yes, and the source is also verified."

'What a gossip girl.'

"First I don't see anything 'girl' here," Ashton gestures to his body. "And I don't gossip. These are facts."

Was I loud?

"These are bullshits," I murmur. "Anyway, then why did she take that Milkyway from you? And did you actually call her by her first name? Are you freaking nuts?"

Ashton grins again. "Thanks for asking. This reminds me of one of those sweet memories when I sneaked into her office to pull a prank and instead found her treasure hidden."

I gasp. "Oh no, you didn't."

Ashton shakes his head. "Oh yes, I did. I caught her red-handed. We talked around it and came to an agreement."

"And the agreement was you will keep your mouth shut if she lets you call her by her first name?"

"You really think too highly of me," Ashton shakes his head with an amused look plastered on his face. "Unfortunately, it's not."

"Then what was it?"

"Sorry, it's only between her and me only," he tells me. "Anyway, I still had the bet to prank her. So then I started flirting with her daughter to get on her nerves."

I remember that one. It was at the end of last year. Everyone in the town used to talk about it. I wrote several columns on it too.

As if reading my mind, Ashton says, "I read your columns too, they were pretty good. Especially for the prank and my reputation," he continues. "By the way, it was true. I was about to ask her hand in marriage. Though it was all part of the prank. That lady was so hard to crack."

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