Chapter 51

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"All good?" I flinch and turn around, only to find Ashton Fellan sitting on the hood of my car.

Instantly my passive look turns to a smile. "Yeah pretty much."

Ashton gets down from the hood and walks over to me. "Then what're you still doing here?"

I furrow my brows. "What'd you mean?"

"I've been watching you for the last five minutes. You haven't moved an inch since you got out of your car."

I hesitate to answer that. "No I was just- I'm just-"

"Thinking about how to face Derek?" Ashton answers for me. I blush and avoid looking in his eyes.

"Yes that," I mumble. I arrived at school early five minutes ago and since then, I'm having a mental debate about whether I should face everyone or just drive back home.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to face Derek after yesterday. His car is missing in its place again, which makes it harder to tell if he has arrived at school or not. What if I freak out in front of him? Better question, how'll everyone react. But how this guy always knows what's going on in my mind better than me is the mystery of the century.

Ashton slings an arm around me and pushes me to move.

"Hey! What're-"

"I just can't watch you cowering behind your car over nothing," Ashton says and pushes me towards the gate. "It's just a breakup."

Easy for him to say. I sigh and try to remember yesterday. Maybe Ashton's right. It's just a breakup after all. But that's not what the population of our school thinks.

They all are sending disgusted looks in our way when they see us taking towards the building together.

Seriously guys? Get a life.

But the problem occurs when Grace stops us right in front of the gate.

She stands in front of us and crosses her arms. "Where were you two yesterday?"

Ashton and I look at each other before looking back at Grace. Miles and Owen catch up behind her.

Ashton furrows his brows. "Did any-"

"Dude it's all fucked up," Owen cuts his friend panting.

"Why? What happened?" Ashton asks.

Miles opens his mouth but Grace interrupts him. "Let them answer my question first," she says. "Miles and Owen said Ashton told them you two were skipping school. But what happened after school? We couldn't find you anywhere. We couldn't reach your phones either. Do you guys know how worried we were?"

I hesitate to answer that. Did something bad happen after we left? I run my hand inside my pocket but it's empty. Again.

I left my phone home yesterday. But they could've called Ashton unless he too-

I look at Ashton. "Don't look at me like that," he says. "Nobody called me."

Then we all turn to Owen. He shrugs. "I thought Nyako or Miles was supposed to call him."

"No, it was you," Miles states.

Owen lets out a hesitated chuckle. "I was?" He looks at Grace who nods.

And there's that awkward pause again. I shake my head and look at Grace, who looks like she's about to kill someone.

So I try to cheer her up. "Do you know One Direction is coming back?" Even though it's a lie, I think this will cheer her up.

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