Chapter 63

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Do you think Kiaton/Kashton is going to sink? 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Despite the fact I feel like a mess and my heart is thumping like a maniac, for the sake of my empty stomach, I make myself go downstairs the next morning. I find my family in the kitchen. Dad is making breakfast for us.

While walking down the stairs, I glance at my reflection in the hall mirror and almost catch a heart attack. I look like a hobo right now. My hair is tangled all the way and the shirt I'm wearing is three times larger than me. I'm even surprised where I'm getting the energy of walking from. I haven't eaten anything other than since I got home yesterday.

"Mom look, a zombie!" Kat fake screams when she sees me. Both mom and I smack her on the head. Kat winces and sticks her tongue out. She's clearly still mad at me for standing her up yesterday, even though Grace drove her home. Not that I care what she thinks.

I still haven't talked to Ashton. He didn't try to reach me. As for my friends, I had over 70 missed calls with over 100 messages.

They were getting so annoying that I had to turn the phone off. I don't want to deal with anyone right now.

"Pancakes okay?" Dad asks me.

I'm not hungry, but I don't wanna disappoint him either, especially when he's making breakfast for us after ages, so I nod.

It's good to have him around. With all the insurance paid and having enough savings for our college tuition, dad decided to spend more time at home than work, especially when I'm leaving for college next year. I missed having him around. We all did.

"So I got a call from your school. They told me about the scandal and that you helped to find the culprits," dad says as he sets up our breakfast. "Why didn't you tell us about him before?"

I panic and look over to mom. She nods and turns to dad. "Actually Kiara told me about this a few days ago," she says. "We didn't want you to worry about such silly matters, so we didn't tell you."

"I'm sorry dad," I apologize.

Dad smiles and pats my head. "It's fine sweetie, just tell us next time. Maybe we can help."

I nod and we start our breakfast.

"Miles called," Mom tells me after a while. "He and Grace will come to check up on you later."

"Why? Did something happen to Kiara?" Dad asks.

"No," mom says almost immediately, which makes dad more suspicious. "You know the usual things of this age," she adds.

"More specifically boy trouble," Kat snickers. I glare at her.

"Boy? I thought you already broke up with Derek," Dad says and freezes. "Don't tell me it's that Andrew boy."

"His name is Ashton," I say. That doesn't assure dad even the smallest bit. Thankfully mom takes off the charge and changes the topic.

Later around noon, Miles and Grace come to visit me.

"You literally blocked us all out," Grace pouts.

"Sorry guys, I wasn't feeling myself."

"It's okay Kia, we're here now," Miles says and hugs me. Grace joins us from my other side. "Yeah, else friends are for?" I try my best to hold back the tears at it.

"You two really should've gone to that beach party," I tell them as I pull back.

"You want us to go out and get our asses drunk while you're here like this?" Miles shakes his head. "No way."

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