Chapter 29

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"I can't believe I'm so happy to be in school on a Monday," Ashton says from behind me.

I chuckle. "Me too."

"My parents would've been so proud of me if they were seeing me now," he continues.

"You bet," I say shutting the locker. "So our plan is finally working, huh?"

Ashton grins only.

We walk to our second class together, which happens to be English lit with Mrs. Roth. This is also the only class where we have all of our friends together.

This morning has been so far the best week of the year. You're wondering why?

Because there was no newspaper swapping today.

As unbelievable as it sounds like, it's the truth. Though it was obvious. Mrs. Roth handed the papers to Ms. Glenda herself. So there's no way they could've changed the paper between the handing.

Now we have to catch those delinquents only.

"Nice morning, huh?" Miles asks when we get in Mrs. Roth's class.

"The best," Ashton says. "This calls for a celebration!"

My eyes widen. Oh no.

"Is someone talking about throwing a party?" Owen's head pops out from behind us.

"Ashton's throwing a party?" Nyako asks, coming after him.

"Ashton's throwing a party? Why didn't I know about it until now?" Asher frowns.


But then half of the class turns to us. "Party?"

I glare at Ashton. "Look what you've done."

He surrenders. "Hey! I'm innocent here." Then grins at others. "Honestly that's a great idea, but unfortunately I'm kind of grounded. Which means no tv, no mobile at home, no laptop, and do all the chores."

"You mean your staying-out-till before-dinner grounded?" I point.

His grin widens. "Actually that was pretty much the plan. My parents grounded me a thousand hours, knowing I won't be staying home anyway. So counting days would be ridiculous. They even bought some kind of machine to count my hours."

"And how many hours have you completed?" I ask.

"Not even a hundred," Ashton says and frowns.

"Dude that sucks," Asher says. "How come you're still alive?"

I want to hear the answer to that question too.

Ashton just winks. "That's a secret." As expected. Ashton avoided the talk about his life at home.

Lately, I've noticed something. Ashton knows everything about me. He even knows about the ongoing fight between my parents that no one else knows, not even Miles.

But the only two things I know about Ashton are that he has a little sister who's name is Riley and that he lives a few streets away from my house; not even the number of his house.

I also noticed that Owen and Nyako never show any interest when it comes to Ashton's life at home. It feels like they know something that no one else knows about Ashton's family.

But of course, they do, they're his best friends.

I've been so engulfed in my own thoughts that I don't notice someone approaching me until he calls my name.

"Kiara?" I blink my eyes and find Derek standing before me. "Can we talk?" He asks with a hopeful look in his eyes.

I open my mouth. "Uh-"

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