Chapter 23

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Our table originally included our friends; Miles, Grace, Jason, Luca, Payton, and I. Tristan and Promy are juniors and so they usually lunch with their own friends. Our guest member was Derek. But ever since the beginning of this year, Derek can't join us either because he practices during lunch or is forced to eat with the jocks.

But as Ashton has been kicked out of the team, he has no more interest in having lunch at that table to gossip with the jocks and cheerleaders. And since Asher has been suspended from his team too, Ashton offered him to lunch with us. No one objected. But the problem arose when Nyako and Owen joined our table too.

We didn't have enough space at the table for everyone. So Ashton, Miles, and Owen joined our table with the next one-the Student Council's table- to make room for everyone. They didn't object-since Jason is their president. They said they would love to have lunch with their president.

But one look at their president-and anyone can say he doesn't return their feelings.

So now, not only we lunch with the delinquent and his friends, but with those self-obsessed geeks too.

Everyone laughs as Owen tells them what we did to accomplish the plan.

"Good job girls," one of the student council members said. "It was one hell of a plan."

I smile and thank her. Others also congratulate us for coming up with this master plan.

I don't dare to look at Ashton or Miles. I feel Ashton's eyes on me the whole time. But I pretend not to notice it and continue eating my lunch. But even my favorite sandwich feels like sand and barley as they pass down my throat.

I look at Grace, she's laughing with others, totally unaware of the murderous eyes on her.

I try to take a peek of Ashton. He still hasn't removed his eyes from me. Those electric blue eyes are pools of emotions now and I don't dare to stare for too long.

"We're sorry though for making you two go through hell today," Grace tells them after a while.

Miles waves a hand. "Apologies accepted," he says.

Everyone looks at Ashton. He finally moves his gaze from me and looks over the table before opening his mouth, "Only after we get some of those cupcakes."

We grin and give them the rest of the cupcakes we were planning to bribe the students of our next class with.

When the laughter dies around the table and everyone moves on to another topic, Ashton scoots closer and whispers in my ears, "All you had to do was ask."

I choke and try to reach for my water bottle. "What?"

"If I knew you were seeking my attention this badly," he whispers in a rasping voice. "I would've given you all of it."

I gasp loudly. "Why would I need your attention?"

"Just ask next time." He winks, leaving no room for objection.

He thought I went through all this trouble because I wanted his attention? I was just looking forward to their sanity, not mine!

I was about to knock some sense out of him when a shadow falls over our table. I look at the head of the table and find Cora standing there.

"What business brings you here?" Grace snarls.

"Grace," I hiss. She looks at me and shrugs, before digging back into her lunch.

I turn back to Cora and find her struggling to keep a neutral face.

"My suspension ended today, but it doesn't look like they're ever going to take me back," she points at the cheerleader table.

I look over at their table. Even though cheerleaders are supposed to be loyal to their Queen, their loyalty belongs to the present leader, which is no one other than Ashley now.

"I was wondering if I could sit here," Cora adds.

"Does it look like a refugee's table to you?" Owen snaps at her. Everyone in the table turns their head towards him. "What? I'm just stating the truth."

Grace sends him a flying kiss which he pretends to catch.

"I'll just leave," Cora says and turns around.

"Kiara." I look at Miles. I can read the look in his face. I was once in her place once. When everyone else refused to help me.

Even though she was the reason I was there in the first place, I decided not to let that take me down that road.

"Cora," I call her name. She turns around.

Grace chokes on her juice and glares at me. Beside her, even Jason perks up at me.


I don't look at anyone as I speak to Cora. "You can join our table," I say. "We got plenty of empty seats because someone thought it would be fun to join our table with the next one."

The culprits of that incident grin proudly.

Cora eyes all of us. She hesitates before speaking, "Are-are you sure?"

I shrug. "As long as you don't start a bitch-fight with my friends I'm fine with it. We all are."

A smile roses in the corner of her space. Asher scoots to make room for her to seat.

Grace frowns, but knowing her, it's just a matter of time before she cools down. Student Council folks don't seem bothered by Cora's presence either as they carry on their chattering among themselves.

Look at me, lunching with all the people I made a rule to stay away from.

But the satisfied look on their face makes it all worth it.

"Thanks," Ashton tells me.

I raise a brow. "For letting your girlfriend lunch with us?"

Ashton shakes his head with a chuckle. "For giving us a chance. We're not all bad," he says. "Just complicated, even Cora."

And I trust Ashton on it.

Until Cora opens her mouth.
"I want you to solve the case faster," she says. "I don't think my dignity will be able to put up with your companies for too long."

Ashton and I look at each other and sigh.

Once a bitch always a bitch.



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