Chapter 16

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Like a lightning bolt, I storm across my room to snatch the book from Ashton.

He looks surprised and a little annoyed too when I do that. But then he sees who dared to take the book from him and his expression neutralizes on his face instantly and turns to a smug one.

He readjusts his position against the headboard and crosses his arms. "C'mon Snow, I just got to the interesting part," a knowing smirk plays in the corner of his mouth.

I flush furiously knowing what he is referring to. I love Colleen Hoover, no offense, but she could've written that scene somewhere other than earlier chapters. Maybe in the last ones?

"I'm impressed that you have this kind of book in your collection," he continues. "What's the name of the book again? I think I'll buy it on my way home tonight."

I ignore him and turn around with the book still in my hand.

"What're you all doing here?" I ask. The whole press committee, minus Mrs. Roth, plus Ashton, is scattered around my room.

"We agreed to meet here to talk about the swapping, or did you forget already?" Jason says.

"We agreed?" I ask in confusion. I don't remember agreeing with any such thing. "When?"

"Actually, Ashton and I agreed. We wanted to talk about the ongoing case and your house seemed the best option because we all know it and it's kind of in the middle of all of our houses. I thought I told him to let you and Miles know about our arrangement."

I turn around to Ashton. His grace finally decides to get up from my bed. "I told Miles to tell you."

Miles, too occupied in typing away on his phone, probably playing some game he recently produced interest at. "Miles?"

He doesn't even turn his gaze away from the phone. "I forgot," he says.

"You could've told me about it when I gave you my keys after school."

He sighs and looks at me finally. "C'mon I'm telling you I forgot," he says. "I'm sorry."

I roll my eyes. Some best friends I have. I turn to others in my room. They made it feel like home already. Luca and Tristan are on my laptop (How did they even get my password?) Grace, Payton, and Promy are reading my magazines. Jason, the only quiet person, is doing what looks like his homework, using my desk. They turned my whole room into a mess.

Grace pats my shoulder. "I feel you," she says. Grace has three siblings, with one older and one younger brother who's friends trash their house every other weekend as her parents don't mind them crashing at their place.

I eye the empty soda cans. "I was about to say to make it feel like home but that'll be pointless cause you already did."

Ashton raises a hand. "To my defense, I did ask Miles before borrowing the book. He said it was cool and we can use anything from your room."

"Miles!" Let's just hope no one went through my closet.

"What?" He looks up from his phone. "I thought you don't mind if your friend uses your things."

"And we're friends too," Ashton adds excitedly.

"I thought we're allies," I deadpan.

"Wait when did that happen?" Grace asks. Clearly, I forgot to tell her and Miles the little details of my last weekend. They both are now giving me a wary look.

Drama queens.

Ashton ignores them and makes a crying face. "You don't want to be my friend?"

Now everyone turns their gaze on me.

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