Chapter 22

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Yes, two updates in one day. I wanted to make up for the lack of edited chapters lately. Hope this one is better than the last few.


"They're coming!" Grace shouts from the door. Everyone in the class rushes to take their seats as we planned before.

I look over at our classmates. "Remember what we planned?"

They give us a thumbs-up as they continue eating the cupcake that I used to bribe them.

"Mission Milton begins!" Grace announces. Milton is the combination of Miles and Ashton if you haven't got that yet.

I take a deep breath and sit in the middle of the row with an empty seat beside me. Grace sits two rows down with an empty one beside her too. Owen and Nyako are in the seat behind me. The only two seats left in the class are ones beside me and Grace.

This might seem a bit confusing. Let me explain it to you.

Ever since Miles and Ashton negotiated, they have become inseparable. They lunch together, sit together, hang out together, and maybe even shower together.

Well, I might be overstating a bit but the only time I don't see them together is when Ashton comes to my place after he hangs out with Miles. They even bought matching clothes and they find out they have many likes and dislikes in common. Who does that these days?

Now even Owen doesn't think it's some 'witch' that's stealing his best friend away from him.

In the end, for the sake of our sanity, Grace and I came up with a plan.

And it's we're not going to let them sit together in any of the classes today. They have five classes together and I'm in four of them. By luck, Grace is in that other class with them.

We decided to bribe our classmates with my mom's cupcakes which I specially requested mom to bake. Thankfully, she didn't question me why I need so many of them.

I got a feeling she overheard us when we were making the plan. But as long as she doesn't question me, I'm fine with it.

English is the first one they have together and it has tables with two seats. Our plan is that we won't leave any pair of seats left for them so sit together. Everyone agreed to help us when we handed them those cupcakes.

There were few extra seats in the back of the class, so Nyako and Owen helped us to throw them out of the class.

So far everything is working out as planned. I watch under my lashes as they get in the class talking something about Picasso and Vinci.

When they reach the middle, they find all the class filled up except for two seats.

"Psst Kiara, would you move with Grace?" Miles asks.

"Nope." I cross my arms.

"Grace will ya-"

"No, I like it here," Grace says.

"Me too."

They ask a few others but everyone refuses to move. They look around the class. The whole class is watching them from the corner of their eyes.

Finally, Ashton says, "Weird, the whole class is filled up. Where will we sit now?"

"Why? I can see two seats left," a guy, Jack, says from the back of the class.

"Yes, but we want to sit next to each other."

"Beggars can't be choosers," someone shouts from the front of the class. "Maybe arrive earlier next time."

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