Chapter 54

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Mom crosses her arms as she glares at our way. Or specifically at dad.

But then I see her puffy eyes and cheeks red and full with tear stains.

I look at Dad as he opens his mouth. "Agnes, I-"

She cuts him off when she runs into his arms. "I heard it all," she says. "You stupid old guy. Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

Mom pulls back. "Surprise me?"

Dad nods. "It was supposed to be your original anniversary gift. For making it with me for two decades."

"And work yourself an early grave?!" Mom snaps. Dad's eyes look like searching for an answer.

"I thought-"

"I thought we were supposed to go through everything together," mom interjects. "Bad or good, no matter how hard it is, we were supposed to do it together. Am I that untrustworthy?"

Dad shakes his head. "No, never."

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry," he says finally. "I'm sorry to do it all by myself. But it won't happen again if you forgive me."

Mom stares at him. Then before any of us can tell what's happening she hugs him again. That might've given him the answer he wanted as he visibly relaxes and hugs her back.

"You know," dad says after a while. "The lady who called me, she was a patient's grandmother and about seventy years old."

I almost choke. Mom blinks. "Really?"

"Yes," dad nods. "Her grandson's birthday is in two weeks, the ones whose operation I did last September in Seattle," I remember that one, the one that made him stay the night in Seattle and mom doubt him. "He's recovering well, despite the fact his situation was very critical before. He wouldn't have survived if something had gone wrong during the operation. So now his grandma wants to celebrate his birthday largely. And because I was the one who did his operation, she wants me to join the celebration with my family."

Mom's cheeks turn red. "You could've told me this before."

Dad lifts a brow. "I can't recall when you gave me the chance to explain myself." He pretends to think. "All I can remember is you screaming gibberish twenty minutes straight before running away." Mom hits him on the shoulder.

Dad only laughs in return, causing her to hit him more.

I watch them in astonishment. They've been married that long, still, their love feels so new. The way they forgive each other so easily.

'It is what true love is?' My brain asks.

Feeling like invading their private moment, I step back and try to leave the room silently, only to bump into another person.

"Is someone having a family reunion without telling me?" Did I mention how annoying it is to have a little sister who's three inches taller than you?

"Kat what are you doing home?" I ask her. "Didn't you tell me you're coming back on Thursday?"

"I told you I'm coming back on Tuesday. Seriously, who put you in charge of our house?" Kat rolls her eyes and turns to our parents. "Anyway, can someone explain to me why they're home? Weren't they supposed to come back on Sunday?"

I look at my parents and they smile at us. Mom looks at dad and he nods. Then she walks over to us and engulfs us in a hug.

"Because we were missing our girls too much," She says. Dad joins us too and hugs the three of us.

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