Chapter 201

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Chapter 201: A Group of Big Bosses at the Emergency Room

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

When Qin Ran and Cheng Juan left, Gu Xichi’s regenerative enzyme had not come out yet.

Gu Xichi picked up the call after only one ring. “Xiao Ran, what’s the situation there?”

“My grandma…” Qin Ran clutched her phone tightly and stared intently at Chen Shulan.

 Her throat was tight and she couldn’t finish her sentence.

 “I know, brother already told me. I will reach the hospital in twenty minutes.” Gu Xichi passed the medicine box in his hand to Jiang Dongye. “Don’t worry.”

After he hung up, he turned towards Jiang Dongye and asked in a deep voice, “Is the car ready?”

 Jiang Dongye looked around and nodded towards a black Volkswagen. “Over there, let’s go.”

 Gu Xichi thought the car would be at the exit and didn’t expect to see the car parked pompously inside the airport.

 Usually, he would have asked who had parked it so arrogantly, but it wasn’t the right time now.

 He got into the car while thinking about Qin Ran’s voice and took out a cigarette, distressed. He didn’t speak, but his good-looking face was tense.

“Brother Gu, do you still not believe in your ability?” Jiang Dongye didn’t know Qin Ran’s grandma.

 Thus, he was probably the most rational one amongst them.

 According to the fact that all the big bosses in the world wanted to make friends with Gu Xichi, Jiang Dongye felt like as long as Gu Xichi was there, Qin Ran’s grandma would be fine.

 “I have seen her with one foot in the grave before.” Gu Xichi looked at the snow outside the car window and his pale brows knitted together. “Even when… even when she was on the brink of death, her condition wasn’t as severe.”

 Qin Ran had been trembling in fear.

 Gu Xichi lowered his eyebrows and spit out a smoke ring, daring not to associate the word “fear” with Qin Ran.

 Jiang Dongye glanced at him from the side and his mouth moved. He wanted to ask Gu Xichi what had been the situation between him and Qin Ran at that time, and what he meant by being on the brink of death?

 In Shanghai, Jiang Dongye and Lu Zhaoying had also asked Qin Ran about her affairs with Gu Xichi.

 Qin Ran only said briefly, “Near the end.”

 Jiang Dongye couldn’t help but fish out another cigarette. He narrowed his eyes and wondered, What kind of situation does near the end mean? 

He was just thinking about this when his phone rang. It was a call from Cheng Juan.

 Jiang Dongye put aside his cigarette and picked up directly.


 Qin Ran hung up the phone in the hospital.

 She stared tightly at the time on the phone.

She also clutched Chen Shulan’s hand, her eyebrows drooping and her lips pursed tightly.

 Mu Nan crouched beside her. Chen Shulan was already completely unconscious.

 Nobody cared about Qin Ran’s situation, and Ning Qing directly grabbed the doctor’s hand to ask, “Can Mr. Gu save my mother? How can we contact him? It doesn’t matter how much he asks for!”

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