Chapter 251

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Chapter 251: Return!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Soon, a middle-aged man got out of the medium-sized truck.

"Miss Qin." He walked over to Qin Ran and greeted her respectfully.

Then, he took the keys and went to the back of the truck. He opened the loading compartment and revealed two rows of cardboard boxes.

Cheng Juan stood there, scanning the boxes. Then, he turned to Cheng Mu and Mason. "Bring these boxes to the fourth floor."

These boxes were a little heavy, but they weren't a problem for Cheng Mu now. He could carry two of them at once.

But he was afraid of spoiling Qin Ran's things, so he didn't dare to do so.

He carefully moved one box to the fourth floor.

Qin Ran led the middle-aged man to one side and said something to him.

Mason and the two technicians knew that Cheng Mu always followed Qin Ran, so they followed behind him closely.

On the fourth floor, Cheng Mu put down the box carefully.

The other three also relaxed after seeing his movements.

"Brother Cheng Mu, what's in Miss Qin's box?" Mason weighed the box and couldn't help but ask.

He knew the boxes belonged to Qin Ran not because of her phone call.

It was because of the symbol on the truck at the aircraft parking ground just now.

Hearing this, Cheng Mu shook his head and remained silent. He didn't know, but according to his experience, it was definitely not ordinary.

Huo'er found a few young men and ordered them to move the remaining boxes over.

"Do we need to move the three S5 computers in the office on the first floor too?" After moving the boxes, Huo'er told the young men to go downstairs first. He remembered Cheng Shui mentioning that Qin Ran didn't like to stay in a crowd for too long.

This was also why Cheng Juan had arranged the fourth floor for her.

"Miss Qin said there was no need, but I'll ask again." Mason frowned.

Qin Ran had said the computers on the fourth floor wouldn't do, but she had rejected the S5 computers too.

She came up to the fourth floor with Cheng Juan just as Mason finished speaking. Walking one step behind Cheng Juan, her eyes were lowered slightly and she was on a phone call with someone.

Cheng Juan glanced at the others, who were silent again, and couldn't help but raise his chin. "What is it?"

"Erm... Miss Qin said that the computers wouldn't do, so we really don't have to bring the S5 computers up?" Mason glanced at Qin Ran's direction and lowered his voice.

Cheng Juan shook his head. "There's no need. Open the boxes first."

Hearing this, Cheng Mu turned around and took a pair of scissors from the table to open the box.

The first box revealed an assembly set, a computer display screen, and a server. They were all black.

Pulling the foam and protective film aside, Cheng Mu squatted by the black display screen for a long time, feeling a sense of familiarity.

He thought about it with squinted eyes for a while before he remembered why it was so familiar. This computer looked like the row of computers in Gu Xichi's house.

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