Chapter 264

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Chapter 264: College Entrance Examination Results

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Every year, this period of time would be extremely stressful for every high school in Yun Cheng.

First came the days of the college entrance examinations, then the day of the results.

On the 23rd, the first and second-year students weren't on vacation yet. In Heng Chuan First Middle School, several teachers of the third-year students who were originally on vacation came back to the teaching building early in the morning.

The college entrance examination results would only be available at nine or ten o'clock. Unable to endure the wait, they sat in their office seats, trying to calm themselves.

Those more restless wandered around the office with a thermos cup.

Gao Yang also came early. He held a teacup in his hand and was smiling merrily as always.

It was the college entrance examination results, after all, so other than all the teachers in the school nervously awaiting the results, even the first and second-year students were privately speculating this year's examination results.

Heng Chuan First Middle School's teachers had made a bet on who would get first place.

The competition was basically between Qin Ran, Pan Mingyue, and Xu Yaoguang.

Majority bet on Xu Yaoguang, while Pan Mingyue had fewer bets. As for Qin Ran... she was too unpredictable, especially with her Physics. None of the teachers had seen her have a breakthrough in her Physics results.

The teachers who bet on her even hesitated a little.

"Teacher Gao, how did your student Qin Ran do in the exams this time?" At half-past eight, the teachers were chatting idly. Most of them were discussing the top students in Heng Chuan and Yun Cheng First Middle School. "I heard that the Math and English exams were especially difficult. Many students cried when they left the exam room."

Gao Yang's expression remained unchanged as he held his cup and smiled. "It was fine, she performed as normal."

This sentence made the other teachers feel the urge to beat him.

While they were talking, Li Airong sat by the side herself. Her lips were pursed as she stared in the direction of the computer.

At nine o'clock, the educational administration system was updated.

The results would be refreshed on the college entrance examination query system and would include rankings as well.

This year, Heng Chuan First Middle School had a thousand candidates for the college entrance examination. It would take at least half an hour for the scores of so many to be retrieved from the system database and then ranked. Naturally, the headteachers couldn't wait.

Almost all of them were picking up their phones at the same time to call their favorite students.

After thinking about it, Gao Yang took out his phone to call Qin Ran.

The phone rang twice before being connected.

"Old Gao?" Qin Ran climbed up from her bed and cleared her throat. "What's the matter?"

Her voice was very low.

Cheng Juan had asked his teacher to send some medicines over. With the medicines from him and the medical organization, her hand injury had recovered very quickly and she had already removed the plaster a week ago. Last night, she even played games with Lu Zhaoying and Qiao Sheng until four o'clock in the morning. They had only been willing to stop reluctantly after Qiao Sheng reached the Supreme level with two stars.

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