Chapter 216

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Chapter 216: Crisis Lifted, Mercenary Leader Can Open a Barbecue Restaurant

Luo Dui’s gaze landed not far away.

Over there, the mercenary leader who had just been laughing arrogantly a few minutes ago was now holding the iron clip and turning the meat over carefully.

The grilled meat dripped oil and sizzled on the grill. He reached for a bottle of barbecue ingredients and sprinkled a layer of sauce on it until the full and mellow aroma permeated.

The chefs at the manor had been carefully selected by Cheng Shui after Cheng Juan told him of Qin Ran’s taste.

Cheng Shui had even specially selected the chef who made the best meat, so the aroma of the meat she marinated filled the air.

Leader Zhou didn’t reply immediately. He sat in the car rushing towards Luo Dui.

“The signal is bad. What did you just say?” Leader Zhou asked after a pause.

Grilling meat?

He felt like he had certainly heard wrongly just now. Why did the words “grilling meat” pop out of the blue?

Shouldn’t they be fighting sensationally or be in a life and death escape?

Grilling? Meat?

“Yes, grilling meat.” Luo Dui didn’t know how to explain it. “Are you still rushing here?”

“Yes.” Leader Zhou nodded. He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. “Wait another hour for us.”

They had divided into two roads and Leader Zhou had immediately stopped his car to turn around when he realized something was wrong. With the car going at full speed, they should be able to catch up in an hour.

Luo Dui nodded out of habit, but then returned to his senses. “No need… forget it, just come over.”

He hung up.

At Leader Zhou’s side, he put his phone down and glanced at the people waiting nervously for the news. “How is it? Have the mercenaries found Luo Dui and the others?”

“I think so…” The word “barbecue” rang in Leader Zhou’s ears, as well as the calm voice of Luo Dui.

“They really found them?!” Everyone in the procurement hall gasped and urged their companions to drive faster. “Are Luo Dui and Miss Qin okay? Luo Dui and the others could still run if it weren’t for Miss Qin. But with her around, everything bodes ill!”

Leader Zhou opened his mouth and felt like Luo Dui’s calm voice seemed far from what they imagined.


On the other side.

Luo Dui just hung up the phone.

The mercenary leader finished roasting the meat and placed it on the small table next to him. Two golden toasts were also on the table.

Qin Ran sat down at the small table and quietly began to eat the roasted meat.

There was still more than half of the barbecue in the icebox as the chef had prepared a lot of meat. Qin Ran didn’t say anything, so the mercenary leader continued roasting.

When he saw Qin Ran eating with her head lowered, he turned the meat on the grill and asked, “My lady…”

“Qin, my surname is Qin.” Qin Ran interrupted him carelessly without looking up.

Her eyebrows looked beautiful and harmless.

“Miss Qin.” The mercenary leader felt shivers run down his spine. “How’s the barbecue?”

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