Chapter 257

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Chapter 257: Alarm All Big Bosses

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

First Middle School.

The Qiao family came soon after Qin Ran and the others had left.

"Bring this driver there." Qiao Sheng glanced at the driver who had been dragged out from his car, his expression cold.

The Qiao family made a fortune in real estate and was reputable in Yun Cheng, so nobody dared to say anything at his order.

When Qian Dui reached, Qiao Sheng had already ordered his men to take the driver to the hospital.

The scene was sealed off and the cordon was pulled. Some people were looking for surveillance cameras, while another group of people was investigating the cause of the accident and collecting suspicious points.

"Qian Dui, that kid took the suspect away." The person-in-charge came forward after seeing Qian Dui and reported immediately.

Qian Dui had met Qiao Sheng several times because of Qin Ran, so they naturally knew each other.

Hearing this, he simply nodded without saying anything. He walked over to Qiao Sheng and asked him what happened.

"Sister Ran's left hand is injured." Qiao Sheng glanced at his phone, his pursed lips cold. Lin Siran had just sent him the results.

"Left hand?" Qian Dui frowned. "I see."

Since Qian Dui could be trusted, Qiao Sheng handed the scene to him and rushed to the hospital to see Qin Ran.

The Qiao family's driver waited for Qiao Sheng to get into the car before driving straight to the hospital.

When the car turned a corner, Qiao Sheng felt like something was wrong.

He looked out of the window. Qian Dui and Feng Loucheng were obviously very concerned about Qin Ran, so it was reasonable to say that Qian Dui would be extremely angry and distressed after learning that she had injured her left hand and delayed her college examination two days later...

Qian Dui had indeed been furious just now, but... as for any signs of distress...

Qiao Sheng frowned. He hadn't seemed distressed.


At the downtown villa.

The whole high school was on holiday, so Lu Zhaoying didn't need to go to the school doctor's office these days. He went to the villa early in the morning to find Qin Ran and Cheng Juan.

Unexpectedly, the villa was empty.

Sitting on the sofa, he reached out to touch his ear studs and looked at Shi Liming, who was sitting not far away. He supported his chin with one hand and asked indifferently, "Xiao Shi, you're Master Juan's subordinate, but you're following Qin Ran now? Why haven't I seen you before?"

With Shi Liming's return to China, Cheng Shui had already explained to him carefully about what could and could not be said.

At this time, he only replied respectfully, "Young Master Lu, I'm following Mr. Cheng Shui."

"Oh." Lu Zhaoying nodded in understanding.

Out of all the Cheng brothers, it was rumored that only Cheng Mu had been placed in an important position, while the others had been exiled. It was extremely impressive for them to be able to come back after being exiled.

"It's not easy to come back." Lu Zhaoying glanced appreciatively at Shi Liming.

It was indeed not easy to follow Qin Ran. There weren't many people who could call Qin Ran's name so naturally, so Shi Liming also looked at Lu Zhaoying in awe.

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