Chapter 322

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Chapter 322: Sister Ran Specializes in Programming

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"I knew it." Minister Yu laughed. "I've already been to her dormitory thrice to invite her to join the Student Union. She hasn't replied to me at all. How is it possible that she's looking for me now."

Zhang Xiangge became even more puzzled. "You invited her thrice? Just because she's pretty?"

It was a given that the Foreign Relations Minister had to be pretty, and Qin Ran was pretty. Hence, Zhang Xiangge could understand.

"Please, it's not about looks. If qualifying for the Student Union is so easy, would it still be known as the Beijing University's Student Union?" Minister Yu scoffed. "Don't you know? Qin Ran is Beijing University's top scorer for this year. She was the valedictorian of the college entrance examination as well. Our principal took a lot of effort to get her. She's backed by Dean Jiang from the Physics department. Do you think she will join any random club?"

Students of her caliber didn't need to rely on connections to gain entrance into the laboratories.

All they had to do was to focus on research, and the Dean and the school would settle everything else.

Minister Yu looked for her twice previously. However, after receiving a call from Dean Jiang, he had to give up.

"Director Zhang, if there isn't anything else, I will be going off now," Minister Yu said.

Zhang Xiangge stayed silent for a moment before saying, "Sorry to trouble you."

He was still holding his cup of alcohol. As he ended the call, he downed it in one shot.

"How is it?" The remaining three in the room asked after seeing his expression. "Things aren't going well?"

Zhang Xiangge shook his head and slammed the cup on the table. "You guys are aware that Miss Qin is Beijing University's student, right?"

"I know. Word on the street is that Master Juan paid a hefty price for it," said someone.

This rumor began circulating out of nowhere since the beginning of June. It said that Old Master Cheng was involved as well.

"It's just a rumor," Zhang Xiangge said as he looked at the three of them. "She's the valedictorian of the college entrance examination this year."


In Yunjin District.

Qin Ling was on break today and was playing games in his room. When he received Qin Ran's confirmation, his eyes sparkled.

He exited the room and saw that Qin Hanqiu was still at the table. Uncle Qiu was sitting opposite him.

"Not done with it?" Uncle Qiu asked while holding up a set of data from the table.

Qin Hanqiu lowered his head and said, "Not yet, Uncle Qiu."

"Where's your computer?" Uncle Qiu asked as he held onto his head.

Qin Hanqiu immediately went back into his room and brought his laptop out.

Uncle Qiu looked at the middle-aged man behind him. He took out a thumb drive and copied a piece of software into the laptop. Uncle Qiu said, "Use the three days from the mid-autumn period to take a look at the documents. Then, settle the code for me."

Qin Hanqiu felt pressured from the workload, but he nodded and replied, "Yes, Uncle Qiu."

After delegating the assignment, Uncle Qiu left with the middle-aged man.

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