Chapter 293

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Chapter 293: Father Qin's Arrival in Beijing, the Physic Department's Precious Treasure!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The reporting time for Beijing University's freshmen was a little earlier than other schools.

It wasn't the day of official registration yet, but many freshmen had come to take a tour around the school two days in advance.

Qin Ran hadn't come to sign up today.

The sun shining brightly overhead, she paused and turned to look at Cheng Juan. "This way?" she asked, pointing in a direction.

Looking up, Cheng Juan nodded and smiled lazily. "Yeah."

"Miss Qin, have you been to Beijing University before?" Cheng Mu caught up with them.

He was holding a parasol originally intended for her. When Butler Cheng had custom-made it, he had specially ordered it to be in a more girly style, so there was even a circle of white lace on the parasol's outer ring.

However, she had buttoned her peaked cap and rejected the parasol.

Cheng Juan put both hands in his pockets sluggishly, without any intention of opening an umbrella.

Cheng Mu stiffly followed behind with the lace parasol.

His tough-guy image and 1.83-meter height attracted a lot of puzzled gazes along the way.

But of course, Qin Ran and Cheng Juan still garnered the most attention.

Looking up, Qin Ran glanced at the road ahead and pressed down her peaked cap. She calmly replied, "I checked Beijing University's map last night."

Cheng Mu gaped and wanted to ask, Weren't you practicing the violin like crazy last night?

He didn't dare to say it out loud, of course.

Qin Ran was here today to choose her second major. She had applied for automation on her university aspiration. The so-called automation was equipment that allowed robots to replace humans or a series of intelligent systems.

Qin Ran had only signed up for it. She had read numerous books one after another from Lu Zhixin ever since she was nine years old. Lu Zhixin had also taught her a lot of content. She remembered him mentioning that he had also been a student at Beijing University in the Automation Department.

Because he could feel Qin Ran's talent in this area, he had taught her with great diligence.

She wasn't worried about this as she had self-studied a lot as well.

She needed an Automation Diploma.

But today, she was here to obtain her second major.

Generally, all colleges would open up the selection of second majors in the second year. But Qin Ran didn't want to waste a year, so she had gone to the Dean of the Physics Department directly.

The phone in her pocket rang. Qin Ran lowered her head and glanced at Qin Ling's message—

[Sister, we're here.]

"Your brother?" Cheng Juan looked down and shielded his eyes from the sun.

Qin Ran nodded and turned her phone casually with her fingers. "They're outside the school," she replied calmly.

Smiling, Cheng Juan lifted his chin towards Cheng Mu. "Go pick them up."


The Physic Department's office.

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