Chapter 205

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Chapter 205: Secret Researcher

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Most people didn’t realize that Professor Chen referred to Chen Shulan.

 The two of them looked rather elegant and presentable, and the car they came in was no ordinary car. The license plate was even more eye-catching.

Qin Ran watched Wei Zihang and Pan Mingyue head in before turning to the two strangers coldly. “You’re here for my grandma?”

 “If you’re Professor Chen Shulan’s niece, then yes, we’re here for that.” The older man was looking around while the middle-aged man answered her.

 That was when Ning Qing and the rest understood. This “Professor Chen” whom the two extraordinary people were talking about was none other than Chen Shulan. Old Master Lin was shocked as he whispered to Lin Qi, “That Chen Shulan was a professor?”

 Lin Qi was confused too. He shook his head and said, “I checked on her before. There was nothing that mentioned that Yu’er’s grandmother was a professor.”

 He and Lin Jinxuan were very strict with their criteria when they looked for a stepmother. The first criterium was that the other party wasn’t to bear any more children; the second was that her family background had to be clean enough, such that they were incapable of threatening Lin Jinxuan in any way.

 Hence, he had looked at Ning Qing’s information several times to make sure that her background was perfectly fine.

Ning Qing was a rather pragmatic lady, and Lin Qi knew that as well. But precisely because she was such a person, Lin Jinxuan could trust that she would know what she needed to do to remain in the family.

 What Ning Qing and Qin Yu had done were all within Lin Qi’s expectations.

 If he had found out that Chen Shulan was a professor, he might not have married Ning Qing.

 At this point, he turned to look at Ning Qing and realized that she and Mu Ying seemed completely surprised.

 “You didn’t know about your mom too?” Lin Qi asked.

 Ning Qing shook her head. Her mind was in a mess at this point. She had been very ambitious when she was younger and studied in a middle school outside of Ninghai Town. The last memories she had of Chen Shulan and her father were them leaving the house early and returning late as factory workers.

 Besides Ning Qing, Mu Nan was also taken by surprise.

 He turned to look at Qin Ran.

 Qin Ran seemed to have smiled for a moment before her eyes went dark. “My grandma is Chen Shulan.”

 The older man who had been scanning the surroundings now turned to Qin Ran. He was in a traditional suit and looked rather stern. “Then we’ve come to the right place.”

 “May I ask, you both…” Ning Qing could barely mask her shock as she looked at them.

 Before she finished her sentence, Qin Ran interrupted.

 “You’re from the capital?” Qin Ran adjusted the flower on her chest and looked at them calmly.

 “Mm, we’re…” The older man was about to say something.

 Qin Ran cut them off as well. She nodded and turned away as she said, “Then, I’m sorry. Please leave. My grandma already said she’s not seeing anyone from the capital.”

 Their expressions darkened.

 “Ran Ran, how could you treat our guests this way?!” Ning Qing glanced at Qin Ran then turned towards the two men apologetically. “I’m sorry, my daughter’s being insensible.”

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