Chapter 335

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Chapter 335: Opening of a Good Show

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Following Qin Ran downstairs, Nan Huiyao slowed down when she heard she was going to see her friends.

Although she was close to Qin Ran, she still felt embarrassed since she didn't know them.

"Or I could eat myself..." She started.

Qin Ran raised an eyebrow. "They're schoolmates. Let's go, they're in the cafeteria."

"How many?" Nan Huiyao followed her.

"Three." Stopping at the vending machine on the first floor of Canteen 8, Qin Ran threw a few coins in, and then took out two cans of Coke.

All three of them had passed the Beijing University examination?

Nan Huiyao didn't know what expression to look at Qin Ran with. Could this be the legendary gathering of birds of the same feather?

Qin Ran threw a can of Coke to her, holding her phone in one hand. Without putting her phone back into her pocket, she opened the tab with one hand and took a sip.

Holding the can of Coke, Nan Huiyao followed her to the third floor.

Canteen 8's first and second floors were to collect their meals, while the third floor was for ordering a la carte, which was much more expensive per person.

At five o'clock, before the normal afternoon peak hours, not many people were on the third floor. Looking around, there were only a few people at the tables.

Nan Huiyao looked around. "Where are your friends?"

Casually shaking the empty can, Qin Ran lifted her chin toward the table next to the innermost window. "There."

Although short-sighted, Nan Huiyao's degree wasn't high, so she could see the two figures sitting there clearly.

They arrived at the table within two minutes.

"Sister Ran, you came on the dot again." Holding a cigarette, Wei Zihang didn't dare to light it. He wrapped his hands around his chest and leaned on the chair.

He didn't carry the air of stability that Master Wei exuded, and unruly wantonness could be seen in his handsome face.

Sitting across from him, Pan Mingyue was the complete opposite.

"Hello." He pressed his hand on the table when he saw Nan Huiyao behind Qin Ran. "I'm Wei Zihang, from the school opposite."

Qin Ran sat down on the iron chair. "My roommate, Nan Huiyao."

The three introduced themselves one after the other.

Returning to her senses, Nan Huiyao sat down beside Qin Ran and let out a sigh of relief. They were indeed Qin Ran's friends, all of them were very good-looking.

Anyone who could talk to Qin Ran, who had such a bad temper, could certainly get along with Wei Zihang and the others. Pan Mingyue was rather quiet, so it was mostly Wei Zihang talking to Nan Huiyao.

Qin Ran leaned back and drank the Coke.

"Ran Ran said that there's three of you..." Nan Huiyao scanned them, remembering what Qin Ran said just now.

"Big Brother Song went to order dishes. He's more familiar with Beijing University than us." Wei Zihang put down his chopsticks and beckoned to Nan Huiyao. "He's coming."

Nan Huiyao turned back subconsciously.

Wei Zihang was very popular at University A, but he wasn't from their school, after all. Nan Huiyao was also a freshman and didn't know much.

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