Chapter 240

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Chapter 240: Assessment Drama! Strength Ranking!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Early in the morning, the manor turned into a lively atmosphere. People came and went like it was the New Year.

Gu Xichi and Jiang Dongye's rooms were upstairs, next to Qin Ran's.

The old castle was very large. The passageway on the second floor was 20 meters long and had seven rooms in total. After accommodating these two people, there were still three more rooms left. It was more than enough.

At seven in the morning, Cheng Mu knocked on Qin Ran's door and moved the potted flower into her room.

He happened to see Gu Xichi and Jiang Dongye staring out the window at the end of the corridor.

"Young Master Jiang, Mr. Gu." Cheng Mu greeted politely. "Good morning."

Qin Ran also happened to come out of her room. Holding her down jacket in one hand and a flower pot in the other, she saw Cheng Mu and passed him the flower pot.

Gu Xichi also turned around. He was rather excited at this rare lively atmosphere. "Good morning. Xiao Ran, what are Brother's subordinates doing? Is there some activity today?"

"An assessment," Qin Ran closed her door and replied lazily. "It's equivalent to the year-end exam."

Cheng Mu went to the flower garden first.

The three of them went to the first floor for breakfast slowly.

On the first floor, they bumped into Cheng Shui and Cheng Juan, who had just come out of the study room on the third floor.

Cheng Shui held a large stack of documents in his hands, which was probably the materials for the assessment today.

"Brother, what's with your manor's assessment?" Gu Xichi sat on a chair and asked with interest while taking a piece of toast and a glass of milk.

Cheng Juan took a glass of coffee instead of milk and was talking to Qin Ran when he heard Gu Xichi's question. He turned and raised a lazy eyebrow. "Go and take a look yourself."

Gu Xichi was speechless.

Cheng Shui put down his chopsticks and explained it to him.

Gu Xichi understood it slightly now.

Qin Ran didn't have much appetite in the morning and just bit her straw. After hearing Cheng Shui's explanation, she glanced at Cheng Juan and asked, puzzled, "Does it take four days?"

It was a long time.

After finishing his breakfast, Cheng Juan picked up his teacup slowly and explained patiently to her, "It's because of the large number of people. There are a total of 400 people, including each leader and the ordinary members of each hall. They all have to go through the one-vs-one competition as well as the assessments on various aspects. The computer assessment of the information hall is one of them."

Gu Xichi was speechless as he listened to him explain to Qin Ran.

This damn differential treatment.


These two days, Cheng Huo had been busily working on Qin Ran's three-segment code in the information hall. He basically ate and lodged there like everyone else and didn't go back.

He managed to achieve significant breakthroughs in the past two days.

Other people from the other halls had been working hard on the training ground recently. Only the computer-addicted people in the information hall were fighting to their deaths with the three-segment code.

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