Chapter 215

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Chapter 215: Group of Fugitives at the Barbecue

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The atmosphere was tense.

Nobody expected Qin Ran to say such a thing, and even the mercenaries were silent for a while. They stared at Qin Ran inconceivably.

Luo Dui and the others originally thought Qin Ran would stand up and get into the car…

 Upon hearing this, the first reaction of Luo Dui and the mercenaries was that this woman was simply crazy?

 “Miss Qin, don’t worry about the barbecue. These are mercenaries, they kill without blinking an eye!” Luo Dui almost lost his cool.

The men beside him faced the 30 or so mercenaries nervously. Who expected Qin Ran to say such a thing all of a sudden?

 The mercenaries were all fugitives.

Furthermore, there were 30 or so of them.

 If Leader Zhou and the others had been here, they were definitely capable of fighting against the 30 or so mercenaries. But now that Qin Ran was here, there were only seven of them left.

 There were only seven of them, but they still had to protect Qin Ran.

 There was simply no chance of victory.

 At this moment, be it Luo Dui, Shi Liming, or Cheng Mu, all of them were ill at ease and revealed terrified looks at their enemies.

When the medium-sized truck first appeared, Luo Dui had already pressed the communicator in his hand to report to Cheng Shui.

 After Luo Dui roared at her, Qin Ran still stood on the spot, watching the group of still mercenaries.

Was she really here on a holiday?

 Several men beside Luo Dui felt for their weapons and couldn’t help but curse at her stupidness.

This wasn’t a holiday or a drill!

 They really wanted to knock this woman to her senses!

 “Barbecue grill?” The mercenary in front reacted and took a step back. Murmuring strangely, he stared at Qin Ran and chuckled. “I kicked it. What are you going to do?”

Because of their large numbers, the mercenaries were confident of the outcome of this match.

He folded his arms and stared provokingly at Qin Ran.

 Qin Ran nodded and took a step back. “Nothing much.”

 Her down jacket was so long that it was a hindrance, so she pulled the zipper down and took it off directly. Then, she turned and threw it at the car beside her.

She wore a sweater inside.

 Reaching out to roll up her sleeves, her movements were calm and her eyes were slightly narrowed. She seemed a little lazy, but the bloody color in the depths of her pupils made people feel a shiver run down their backs.

There was still snow covering the ground.

 “Miss Qin!” Cheng Mu had never seen Qin Ran fight in person but knew she had fought in school before.

 In the fight with Xu Shen previously, Cheng Mu had helped deal with a series of things.

But these people weren’t students who had never seen the world before but fugitives who were brutal and vicious.

However, before Cheng Mu could even croak his next sentence, Qin Ran made her first move.

 The mercenaries really didn’t take Qin Ran seriously. When she moved, he even chuckled. Instead of reaching for his weapon, he tried to grab her arm.

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