Chapter 235

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Chapter 235: Finally Know the Horrors of Miss Qin

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Cheng Mu had come out at this time to go get Qin Ran's flowers from the gardener.

Although he was always in special training recently, he didn't dare leave the job assigned to him by Cheng Juan. He observed the state of the potted plant every morning, day and night.

He was prepared to head to the garden to check on Qin Ran's flowers again.

At first, the gardener wanted to help Cheng Mu after seeing him come back and forth a few times a day, but he had rejected him.

Gu Xichi's robot was no secret, and neither Cheng Juan nor Qin Ran had specifically told him anything.

Thus, he replied calmly to Cheng Huo's question and glanced at the two of them.

Cheng Huo and Jerry were rooted in place, their expressions no different than before.

Cheng Mu turned back disappointedly.

He thought Cheng Huo would be shocked.

Cheng Mu turned around regretfully and said blankly, "Then I'll go find the gar..."

Before he could finish the word "gardener"—


He was punched fiercely on the head in an unpredicted attack. Stumbling, Cheng Mu almost slipped and died on the spot!

Fortunately, he was numb from being beaten often and didn't feel much except for the pain.

He just turned his head stiffly, staring at Cheng Huo with a pair of dark eyes.

Cheng Huo scratched his head and circled Cheng Mu several times. He couldn't resist it and poked Cheng Mu's head. "You already knew Xiao Hei, but you didn't f*cking tell me?"

A robot identical to Xiao Hei called Xiao Er.

EA had only produced three robots. One was for the Queen, one was with them, and the last one had never been announced before.

That EA2 was probably the Xiao Er that Qin Ran's friend had.

All these coincidences made Cheng Huo certain that Qin Ran was the core identity of the Yunguang Consortium.

So they had knocked on the wrong door and wasted so much time for nothing?

Cheng Mu clearly knew this but hadn't said anything. Cheng Huo continued glancing faintly at him.

"This." Cheng Mu rubbed his head and looked unapologetically at Cheng Huo. He played the profound thinker and said, "When I first came to the manor and saw you guys, this was also how I felt."

After talking, he finally straightened his waist and walked out of the gate.

Cheng Huo was speechless.

He couldn't be bothered now, he would get back at him after solving the code!

Jerry leaned on his cane and only reacted after Cheng Mu had left for a long time. He turned to Cheng Huo and asked, "Mr... Mr. Cheng Huo, is Miss Qin really a core person?"

The content of these codes was very obscure. Normally, Jerry didn't believe that there would be a source code without any loophole, but he really directly felt the sense of loss this past week.

After receiving a few reminders from Tang Qing, they had spent a week devoting all of the information hall's manpower to solving the simulator. However, they couldn't even successfully crack the simulator code, much less the three more esoteric source code sections.

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