Chapter 346

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Chapter 346: Two Months Later, Qin Ran Once Again Swept Beijing University

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the male dormitory.

Xing Kai clicked on the campus network, entered his student ID, and then entered the password.

The system was a little slow, and it took two seconds for him to enter the campus network's homepage. Xing Kai went straight to the results column and clicked on his own results.

The results were ranked from top to bottom.

It was all a hundred-point system.

Ignoring the other subjects, he just looked at the three major professional courses.

College Physics: 63 points.

Computer Basics: 59 points.

Advanced Mathematics: 41 points.

Xing Kai was speechless.

Although he also recognized that he was performing worst in the Automation classes, his score of 41 points in the Advanced Mathematics paper still deeply stimulated him.

Withdrawing his gaze, he went to find his other roommates for comfort.

Upon hearing that they had scored 55 and 51 points, he suddenly felt at ease.

Only then did he dare to ask Chu Heng, "Chu Heng, how many points did you score?"

While talking, he walked towards him and happened to glance at his results page.

From top to bottom.

College Physics: 87 points.

Computer Basics: 89 points.

Advanced Mathematics: 80 points.

Xing Kai and the other two roommates were speechless for a while. Realizing that they couldn't compare to him, they went to the group chat to find comfort. The counselor in the group chat was also reassuring everyone:

[For Advanced Mathematics this time, only 10 out of 160 students in the four Automation classes passed.]

Upon hearing this, Xing Kai finally heaved a sigh of relief. "I knew that this test was too abnormal."

Glancing at the group chat, Chu Heng suddenly thought of Qin Ran and asked Xing Kai, "Do you know Qin Ran's score? I saw her hand in the papers in advance."

He had asked Xing Kai since he was more familiar with Nan Huiyao.

But thinking about Qin Ran's previous actions, Xing Kai was silent and didn't dare to ask Qin Ran. He just opened Nan Huiyao's private chat and asked her instead.


In the girl's dormitory.

Nan Huiyao was sitting in front of the computer. Qin Ran wasn't in school today. Beijing University's campus network could only be used on campus.

She was talking to Qin Ran through the headphones.

On the other end, Qin Ran's headphones hung around her neck as she flipped through the nuclear engineering books. Song Luting had told her that the results of this exam were very important. Usually unconcerned about her results, she put down her pen at this time and took her computer. "Are the results out yet?"

Nan Huiyao paused and replied, "It just came out. The test is too difficult this time. Only 10 people in our entire major passed the Advanced Mathematics paper. It's only normal to not score well."

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