Chapter 267

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Chapter 267: Two Schools Compete to Invite Her

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Once Old Master Cheng said the word "Zhou Shan", the other party stopped abruptly.

Both felt like each other's voices were very familiar.

"Elder Cheng?" Zhou Shan was also taken aback.

They both went silent.

After a second, Zhou Shan said quickly, "Sorry, Elder Cheng. I made the wrong call."

They hung up the phone.

Tapping his finger on the table, Old Master Cheng felt like something wasn't right.

During the call upstairs, Zhou Shan had clearly said he was about to contact this year's college entrance examination top scorer. But the next second, he had dialed for the phone downstairs?

He had even mentioned Qin Ran.

Old Master Cheng glanced at Qin Ran. Of course, he knew...

That girl was Qin Ran.


At Beijing University.

Zhou Shan hung up the phone and quickly flipped through the information.

The person beside him called, "Principal?"

"It's nothing. I called Elder Cheng again."

Zhou Shan shook his head and pointed at the number on the information sheet. He glanced at the call log again and clenched his hands.

He thought he had made a mistake and redialed Elder Cheng's phone.

But now, looking at the contact number of the landline in Yun Cheng at the top of his phone's address book and comparing it to the number he had finally obtained from the information sheet, he realized they were identical.

He hadn't called the wrong number.

It was the information filled in by the student.

As for why Elder Cheng answered the phone, Zhou Shan quickly thought of the "junior" that Old Master Cheng had always talked about.

Without any hesitation, he picked up his phone directly and dialed the number again.

It didn't go through on the first try.

The second try was the same.

Zhou Shan dialed for the third time patiently.

Just when he was about to hang up reluctantly on the third try, the phone call was finally picked up.

In Yun Cheng, Old Master Cheng sat on the sofa, withdrawing his gaze from Qin Ran. "Why are you calling again?"

Zhou Shan was in no mood to joke around and directly said in a serious tone, "The junior you told me about just now was Qin Ran? The one in Yun Cheng?"

"Yeah." Old Master Cheng was unperturbed.

Zhou Shan was speechless.

His breath caught in his throat for a while, then he reached out and patted the table. "I give my promise regarding what you said just now. On top of that, her tuition admission is free-of-charge, and I will allocate a large number of resources and bonuses every year!"

Old Master Cheng clenched his fists on the table, but his voice still sounded as calm as ever. "Sorry, but I will need to reconsider. Before your phone call, the Principal of University A called me."

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