Chapter 323

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Chapter 323: Help From the Two Big Bosses

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qin Ling replied without lifting his head, "Gaming."

"Oh." Qin Hanqiu already expected it. He nodded and continued, "Quickly finish it. We're eating in two minutes."

The half-finished work wasn't that challenging for Qin Ran. It was similar to the source code released by the Yungguan Consortium. She was almost done with it already.

She looked at Qin Ling and recalled something. She asked, "Should we make a copy?"

Qin Ling immediately took out a thumb drive from the room.

Cheng Juan took out four sets of utensils and started to arrange the table.

By the time the dishes were ready, Qin Ran was done with the program. She shut off the laptop and ejected the thumb drive before asking Qin Ling to return it to Qin Hanqiu's workroom.

Qin Hanqiu prepared an entire table worth of dishes today. It had been a while since he was this happy after arriving in the capital.

Cheng Juan and he poured two cups of alcohol and started chatting.

As Qin Ran and Qin Ling didn't drink, Qin Ling brought her to see his computer games after they were done eating.

"This is from Big Brother Cheng's older sister." Qin Ran gave him the game console that Cheng Wenru had prepared.

Qin Ling opened the present. It was a game that suited his age.

He toyed with the console for a while, before... completing the game.

It was fun, but it was too easy. After he completed the game, he was no longer interested in it.

Qin Ran switched on his computer in this period.

"How many have you completed?" asked Qin Ran, pointing to several icons.

Qin Ling lowered his head in embarrassment and replied in a low voice, "The first row."

Each row had seven games. These were the upgraded versions of the enlightening games that Lu Zhixin got for her last time. Qin Ran then spent an afternoon with Lu Zhixin to upgrade them.

She gave him the games half a month ago. He took an average of around two days to complete a game. He was just nine years old, so his pace was within Qin Ran's estimation.


Qin Ran then taught him some beginner guidelines while Cheng Juan and Qin Hanqiu continued to drink for an hour before packing up.

As she was present, Qin Hanqiu didn't dare to drink too much.

They came out of the kitchen after packing the plates into the dishwasher.

As Qin Hanqiu emerged from the kitchen, he saw that Cheng Juan was looking at the folder Uncle Qiu gave him.

"Xiao Cheng, you understand these?" Qin Hanqiu asked as he removed the apron. He felt stressed as he looked towards Cheng Juan before remembering that he was a doctor.

He was traumatized by the education forced onto him.

Cheng Juan took a look at the document before answering. "I know a little."

"Then help me with it please." Qin Hanqiu's eyes lit up as he placed the bunch of data that Uncle Qiu passed him onto the table.

Uncle Qiu wanted Qin Hanqiu to be independent as early as possible. He didn't expect him to contribute much, he just wanted him to know enough to lead those under him. He was a bit too eager for results.

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