Chapter 244

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Chapter 244: Master Ran Led Juniors to Fortune

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Let Qin Ran test her boxing strength?

What did this mean?

Neither Lawrence nor the people on the stands understood Cheng Shui's operation.

Some discussed in whispers and began guessing how much her boxing strength would be.

"I think it might be 890!"

"Isn't that the same as Mr. Cheng Huo's?" Someone narrowed his eyes and thought 890 seemed a little too high.

870 was a hurdle for the whole manor, and only a few leaders had the ability to exceed this score.

It was even harder to increase their boxing strength at that stage. 890 was already the highest score that these people could think of.

"Tang Qing scored 769 and was still so badly defeated. Miss Qin should score at least 870?" A short-haired man analyzed.

Any score above 800 was of a different world. Tang Qing had suffered such a crushing defeat despite a score of 769, so Qin Ran must have at least 100 points more than her.

Only a few masters of the law enforcement hall could manage to reach 870 points.

"But with the crack on the ring, could it be over 1000..." someone said weakly. "After all, Mr. Cheng Shui didn't manage to do that to the ring..."

The others remained silent. It wasn't impossible, but 1000 points were simply too terrifying...

"I think 900 sounds most likely."

These people were basically divided into two groups. One believed Qin Ran would score 900, while the other 1000.

While talking, their attention was focused on Qin Ran.

In the grandstand, the leaders and Jiang Dongye were all speculating.

Leader Du glanced at Cheng Huo and whispered, "Mr. Cheng Huo, has Miss Qin tested her punching strength before? Has it reached 900?"

Cheng Shui had selected Leader Du to follow Qin Ran when she and Cheng Juan first came to Continent M.

However, Leader Du had directly refused it at that time on the grounds of training for the challenge.

After hearing that he would be playing with a little girl, he had refused to accept it.

But there had been too many rumors about her in the manor this month, and he had just verified her strength with his own eyes...

Cheng Huo grinned and chuckled at him. "You will see."


Not much movement was required for the boxing test. Without taking off her down jacket, Qin Ran walked down directly and stopped at the boxing machine. She directly punched it.

Everyone there paid attention to the numbers on the big screen.

Within a few seconds, the 769 data left by Tang Qing fluctuated a little and was replaced by a new data—


The chatter at the stands about whether Qin Ran could reach 1000 or 900 suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At this time, there were 500 or 600 people in the large training ground, including the servants.

There was basically a slight noise every moment.

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