Chapter 345

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Chapter 345: Freshmen This Year Are Fierce!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Many people knew that Qin Ran was taking two majors.

Most of them knew that she majored in nuclear engineering, never took any automation class, and basically self-studied in the library.

Upon hearing Leng Peishan's question, Nan Huiyao frowned without saying anything.

Yang Yi tore off the lid of the instant noodles, picked up her fork, and started to eat. While eating, she answered Leng Peishan without looking up. "She's the top scorer of the college entrance examination, after all. No matter how difficult the exam was, she'll still perform better than us, right?"

She glanced at Nan Huiyao, obviously asking her.

At the thought of how Qin Ran had asked her last night about what they learned in the freshman year for automation, Nan Huiyao lowered her head and vaguely replied, "Yeah."

Leng Peishan naturally noticed the obvious lack of confidence in her tone. Putting down her lipstick, she looked in her direction and smiled mysteriously.

The degree of abnormality in the difficulty of the Automation Department's exams had become popular on the school forum. Leng Peishan had also heard of it. Qin Ran was doing two majors at once and hadn't even attended any automation classes, yet she was going to take the exam?

Her phone rang. It was a call from her senior. She quickly picked up. "Computer room? Okay, I'll go over right away."

She had just returned to the bedroom but had to rush out.

The atmosphere in the bedroom improved the moment she went out. Yang Yi talked to Nan Huiyao while eating noodles, "You sounded a little guilty when you replied just now."

With the capability of entering Beijing University, their IQ was naturally not low.

Nan Huiyao massaged her temple. "Ran Ran asked me a question before the exam."

"What?" Yang Yi calmly continued eating.

"She asked me what topics the automation class covered."

"Cough, cough..." Choking, Yang Yi immediately put down her fork and pulled out a piece of tissue.


In Ting Lan.

Sitting on the sofa, Old Master Cheng solemnly glanced at Cheng Juan, who was playing games opposite. "Why won't you go to City C?"

"It's no fun." Cheng Juan leaned on the sofa with cold eyes and said with a cold and emotionless voice.

"I haven't sent anyone to City C yet. In the next five days, you can find me at any time if you have a change of heart." Old Master Cheng glanced at him.

Cheng Juan crossed his legs absent-mindedly. "Don't worry, I'll never find you."

A sound came from the hallway, and Qin Ran came in with her backpack, then squatted down to change shoes.

Old Master Cheng's harsh expression immediately faded.

Cheng Juan also stood up, his eyebrows drooping. "Why are you back so early?"

He knew she had classes after her exams.

Qin Ran changed into a pair of slippers and greeted Old Master Cheng before replying, "The department gave us an advanced vacation."

"I heard from Cheng Mu that today's the midterm exam of Beijing University. How did you do?" At the sight of Qin Ran, Old Master Cheng also smiled with ease. "Let the chef cook more delicious food for you later. Beijing University's exams have always been difficult."

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