Chapter 228

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Chapter 228: Miss Qin Taught Me, No Progress

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The people here were all capable and could tell whether Jerry had strength.

They could especially tell that Cheng Mu was like a different person. He was nimble and ruthless. His punches were so fast they could hardly be seen!

 “What- what the f*ck, he won?” After a long while, someone finally uttered in a daze.

 Because of this voice, the crowd finally reacted and stared involuntarily at Cheng Mu.

 He didn’t look proud nor happy and seemed to think it wasn’t a big deal. He just glanced at the referee and asked gruffly, “Have I won?”

 Cheng Mu wasn’t very proud because he still couldn’t defeat Qin Ran. The more he trained these days, the deeper he felt Qin Ran’s profound strength.

He had defeated Jerry easily, but if his opponent was Qin Ran, he would still be reduced to getting beaten up.

 The referee was still thinking of how he had tried to persuade Cheng Mu to give up. He only turned around after hearing Cheng Mu and came back to his senses. “Cheng Mu- Cheng Mu has won!”

 Cheng Mu nodded, then went to the lounge to change his clothes. When he came out, the people around were still frozen in place.

 He ignored them and walked over to Qin Ran unpredictably.

 “Miss Qin, how was it?” he scratched his head and asked.

 Qin Ran sat lazily on the crossbar and stretched out her hand when she saw him coming. She jumped off the bar and walked back. “It was so-so.”

 Cheng Mu nodded. “I know, I’ll work harder.”

 The two of them talked while heading to the castle.

 Shi Liming also pulled the hat on his head and followed them.

 The three people left as abruptly as they came, bringing no big waves with them.

 If Jerry wasn’t still lying on the ground very bleakly, everyone would really think it had just been an illusion.

 After a long while, the referee of the law enforcement hall finally returned to his senses and took out his phone to call the manor doctor. He crouched down to examine Jerry’s injuries. “Are you okay?”

 Jerry couldn’t endure it anymore and shook his head slowly.

 “Oh… oh my God, that was terrifying…” A voice sounded from the crowd. Everyone exchanged glances and didn’t dare to accept the truth. Someone swallowed his saliva and said, “It has only been half a month. Didn’t he use to get beaten by us? It didn’t seem like he had been hiding his strength, but just… just now…”

 “Luo Dui.” The referee looked up at Luo Dui and asked seriously, “If you fought against Jerry, could you defeat him like this in just a few moves?”

 Luo Dui was the most powerful person in the law enforcement hall, second only to Leader Du.

 In the entire manor, few could defeat Luo Dui.

 It was precisely because of this that Leader Du had asked Luo Dui to follow the procurement hall and protect Qin Ran.

“I’m not sure.” Luo Dui looked away from Qin Ran and the others. “But I’m not as fast as Cheng Mu. He had a strange style, I’ve never seen it before. If I were to fight against him, victory would be split 50-50.”

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