Chapter 296

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Chapter 296: Master Juan, He Really Knows! Yunguang Consortium's Logo!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Little Wood Fish was a college student and had followed the blogger Qin Yu last year because of the viral violin video.

She studied music and rarely saw violin masters of Qin Yu's level who knew all kinds of violin techniques come out as a Weibo blogger.

Not only was she good-looking, but she was a good violin player and also a student at Beijing University. How could she not draw fans to her?

Little Wood Fish was one of her most loyal fans. Hence, she very clearly remembered this song to be Qin Yu's audition song last year.

However, her comments were buried under all the others and made no splash.

She originally wanted to forward it, but as a big fan, after seeing popular comments about Qin Yu, she didn't want to draw hatred towards her without any evidence. Thinking about it, she saved the blogger's violin video and then began to write down the scores.

She would make comparative evidence.


Qin Ran went upstairs directly to pick up Pan Mingyue's video call when she returned to Ting Lan.

She, Pan Mingyue, Qiao Sheng, and Lin Siran had all been admitted to Beijing University. Heng Chuan First Middle School had given them the nickname, "Beijing University's Four Masters."

Lin Siran had arrived a month ago, while Qiao Sheng and Pan Mingyue would come tomorrow and then sign up the day after tomorrow.

Qin Ran's violin practice would be temporarily put on hold, so she confirmed their arrival time tomorrow.

"I'll arrive with Uncle Feng and the others tomorrow at around four o'clock in the afternoon." The four of them started a group video chat. Pan Mingyue was still wearing black-rimmed glasses. She pushed her glasses up and spoke in a very soft voice.

Only a few flights flew from Yun Cheng to Beijing every day.

On the other side, Qiao Sheng seemed to be on the sofa downstairs. He scratched his head and moved closer to the camera. "I'll arrive at noon tomorrow."

"I'll pick you guys up." Lin Siran was a little cocky after finding out she had three God cards. She played games every day and said excitedly at this moment, "Come on, let's meet for a game!"

Knowing that they would arrive tomorrow, Qin Ran's mood improved. She sat at the table, leaning on the back of her chair, and turning on her computer casually. The computer page still had no icons.

Clicking a few keys casually, a file library appeared, from which she found the file that Chang Ning had given her last time.

The several forces investigating her were mainly the Ouyang family and the First Hospital of Beijing Research.

Tapping the tabletop, she squinted at Beijing Research Institute's First Hospital. She would have to find time to visit the 129 headquarters.


Downstairs, Cheng Mu was about to carry the pot of grass upstairs.

The doorbell rang at this time.

Putting down the flower pot, he went outside to open the door. Several guests often came to Ting Lan. The Old Master would come to have a cup of tea every three days, while Cheng Wenru would come and wander around when she was free...

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