Chapter 347

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Chapter 347: Record the Show With Big Boss!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qin Xiuchen was about to call Qin Hanqiu when he heard Qin Ling and suddenly froze. He turned around and asked, "What did you say?"

"My sister is downstairs." Qin Ling looked up.

Putting down his phone, Qin Xiuchen stared at him blankly while sitting on the stool beside his bed.

The manager reacted. "Film Emperor Qin, I'll go pick..."

"Is your sister fierce?" Qin Xiuchen thought of her cold and impatient face and fell silent once again.

Qin Ling thought for a while and shook his head. "She's not fierce." Then, he said without confidence, "But she's more terrifying than being fierce."

Qin Xiuchen was speechless.

Staring at his expression, Qin Ling suddenly understood and bowed his head guiltily. "Uncle, I'm sorry!"

"I'll go pick her up." Qin Xiuchen raised his hand to look at the time on the watch. It was almost 11 pm. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Did she come alone this late?"

He frowned.

The variety show this time was completely secretive, but the whereabouts of the crew were always exposed. Several tourists stayed not far away. Putting on a mask, Qin Xiuchen went out with the manager hurriedly following behind.

The director was still downstairs, drinking with a middle-aged man at the old hotel's door. Upon seeing the manager hurry down with Qin Xiuchen, he quickly stood up and said, "Film Emperor Qin, is Xiao Ling in a bad condition?"

"No." Qin Xiuchen pulled on his mask and hurriedly went out without telling the director much.

One step behind him, the manager explained, "Xiuchen's relative is here. It's alright."

"Director, is there an empty room in the hotel? It's best if the room is close to Xiuchen's," the manager averted his eyes and whispered.

"Yes, the room opposite the Film Emperor Qin's is empty. I'll have someone clean it immediately. I'll hand you the keys later." Most of the other artists were rookies, so the director had arranged them on a different floor to prevent Qin Xiuchen from getting affected.

While he went upstairs to call the staff, he wondered what kind of relative would make the Film Emperor Qin hurry down anxiously to receive him?

He glanced outside upstairs.

Film Emperor Qin coincidentally came in with a tall and thin figure. The person was wearing a black sweater with a hat buttoned on her head. She casually wore a coat of the same color and a black mask.


Upstairs, in Qin Xiuchen's room.

He first brought Qin Ran in, then raised the temperature of the room, before handing her a cup of hot water. "Why did you come here alone?" he asked in a calm tone.

Pulling off her hat and mask, she threw them onto the table and took the cup of hot water. "I happen to know a friend here. It was on the way."

Qin Xiuchen's expression eased upon hearing this.

Someone knocked on the door and brought the keys to the room opposite.

Qin Xiuchen went to open the door.

Qin Ran turned directly to Qin Ling with cold and dark eyes.

She glanced around the room and saw a wooden chair not far away. Raising her foot, she kicked the chair to Qin Ling, then sat down at will, folded her arms, and apathetically said, "Explain."

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