Chapter 307

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Chapter 307: Evidence, Beijing's Master Juan!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The clothes in Ning Qing's hand fell onto the ground.

Noticing her expression, Lin Wan smiled slightly and gracefully said, "I'm only informing you. You should make a phone call to show concern for Yu'er."

Ning Qing nodded absent-mindedly, then walked over to the bed and grabbed her phone stiffly.

When she opened Qin Yu's Weibo, the comments below were all against Qin Ran and supporting Qin Yu. The insults they left were barely readable.

She sat down on the bed blankly, holding her phone in her hand, dumbfounded...

Unlike everyone else, Chen Shulan had mentioned Qin Ran to her before and had emphasized her music score... At that time, she had realized why Qin Yu's style seemed to have gone through a transformation...

Right now, the plagiarism issue had arisen again. Looking at the verbal abuse against Qin Ran on Weibo, Ning Qing hesitated. She knew the truth.

As Qin Yu's mother, the person most intimate to her, she could foresee the kind of blow Qin Yu would suffer if she told her, be it on her career or in her academics...

She sat on the bedside, thinking it through for a long while. Finally, she turned off Weibo and called Qin Yu to comfort her.

She let the rumors run wild on Weibo.

Nevertheless, Qin Yu grew up by her side. Between her and Qin Ran, it wasn't difficult for Ning Qing to pick a side.


At the same time, at the Violin Association, in Master Wei's office.

"Young Master Cheng, sit down first. I'll go to the meeting room." Master Wei was holding his phone and looking quite depressed.

Cheng Juan nodded and, without saying much, he put the videotape and the computer on the desk. "Go with Master Wei." He motioned towards Cheng Jin.

Cheng Jin nodded.

When they left, Cheng Juan turned on the computer and copied the video from the videotape. He turned sideways, letting the sunlight shine on him through the window, reflecting against his clear eyes.

He had watched all the videos. Each video was a little over an hour, and people talked in it from time to time.

He dragged the video to about half an hour later, where a handsome boy handed a violin to Qin Ran.

Cheng Juan glanced at the boy and noticed that Wei Zihang called him "Song Luting."

Without saying much, he just opened the video editor and cut out the scene of Qin Ran playing the violin.

He had studied photography and video editing before. He naturally never thought of comparing himself with those editing masters and photographers and had just learned it as a side hobby. But now, it actually came in handy.

The edited scene was from four years ago when Qin Ran performed the exact same piece.

Lowering his eyes and putting on the headphones, Cheng Juan finished cutting the video and then saved it separately in another folder.

In the video, Qin Ran stood in the middle, stepping on a stool with one leg in an unruly fashion. Unlike now, her face looked young and inexperienced, and she didn't have long hair. Instead, her short hair reached her ears, and black bangs were swiped across her forehead, exposing her brow bone, looking unbridled, fresh, and wild.

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