Chapter 302

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Chapter 302: Family of Great Gods!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qin Yu knew Qin Hanqiu's current life.

In the past, every trip to Yun Cheng had been to ship goods for the factory, and every penny had to be calculated carefully.

Because of the long distance between Yun Cheng and Beijing, let alone the air tickets, even train tickets weren't cheap either. Not to mention the living expenses and accommodating fees after arriving in Beijing...

Even if Qin Hanqiu had the money to come to Beijing, where did he get the money to spend on accommodation here?

Following her gaze, Ning Qing saw Qin Hanqiu and Qin Ling standing at the intersection.

Qin Hanqiu indeed looked outstanding, but he didn't have the slightest temperament on him. He looked coarse and philistine, and when put with elites, he instantly looked like a driver or a bodyguard.

Hearing them, the driver slowed down and glanced in the rearview mirror. "Madam, Ms. Biao, did you see your friend? Do I need to stop?"

"No," Ning Qing returned to her senses and immediately said, her face dark. "Drive quicker."

She had escaped from that small town with great difficulty. Besides... if Lin Wan and the Shen family knew about Qin Hanqiu, even if they didn't make it obvious on the surface, they would definitely mock them inside.

Qin Yu also retracted her gaze and stayed silent.

Since she was reaching Beijing University, Qin Hanqiu would definitely want to tag along if they stopped the car. With his image... It was the first day of school, and Qin Yu didn't want people to know that her biological father was like this.

The Shen family's car drove away quickly and rounded a corner. Qin Yu glanced back and no longer saw them at the intersection.

She heaved a sigh of relief.


On this side, Qin Hanqiu and Qin Ran were already in the coffee shop.

Qin Ling showed Qin Ran the game page on his phone.

Taking the phone, Qin Ran glanced at it and was taken aback.

He had passed the round.

Lu Zhixin had let her play this grid game on the mobile phone when she was very young. However, ordinary grid clearance games required strong logical thinking in net organization.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Zhixin discovered her computer talent.

Later, with a smartphone, Qin Ran had made this mini-game a little more difficult and developed it on her phone.

She had only casually packed a bunch of games for him, including this.

Qin Ran didn't expect that Qin Ling would play this game and almost cleared all the levels. She had only sent him the screen recording as an inspiration.

Who knew that he would pass the level today after seeing the screen recording yesterday night.

While talking to Qin Hanqiu, Cheng Juan noticed Qin Ran's silence and glanced at her. He put down the milk tea and whispered, "What is it?"

Taking the milk tea and supporting her chin in one bony, white hand, she said lazily, "Nothing."

She stared at Qin Ling, slightly surprised. She always thought that her high IQ and talent in the computer had come from her grandfather...

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