Chapter 239

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Chapter 239: Friendship of Diamond Big Boss, Breakdown Immediately

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Holding his chopsticks, Cheng Juan glanced lazily at them and said calmly, "Eat first."

Jiang Dongye and Gu Xichi both wanted to smash his face with the cup in their hands.

How could they possibly eat now?!

But they only dared to think about this.

Gu Xichi downed the cup of cold water that Cheng Mu handed him and felt a little eased. When everyone else on the table began to eat, he also picked up his chopsticks.

They finished their meal in half an hour.

Jiang Dongye had already put down his chopsticks ten minutes earlier but still stayed seated, waiting for the others.

"Come to my study. Let's talk." Cheng Juan finished eating and picked up the tissue beside him to slowly wipe his hands.

Glancing at each other, Jiang Dongye and Gu Xichi followed Cheng Juan to the study. Meanwhile, Qin Ran took the watering can and headed to the flower garden.

"Master Juan, what's going on? You... what are you doing?" In the study room, Jiang Dongye sat down on the sofa in a daze.

It was like the beggar who asked for food since young was actually the King!

It was indeed unfathomable. The Cheng and Jiang families were both powerful in the capital, especially the Cheng family.

But even so, there was still a disparity between the Cheng family and the internationally famous diamond gangster, at least financially.

One was the overlord of the region, while the other was of the city. They couldn't be compared.

Cheng Shui poured a cup of tea for Jiang Dongye.

"It has been a long time, too long to explain." Cheng Juan leaned against the pillow on the sofa and said lightly, "The person in the mine was beaten down by me and had no other choice."

Jiang Dongye was speechless.

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Xichi also heard this and a flash of light flickered through his mind as he suddenly remembered something.

"I remember years ago when I was in the Middle East..." He squinted while holding the cup.

Gu Xichi liked to travel to various places. He learned medicine from a young age and would travel around with a medicine box to save the world at the age of 15.

He had saved countless people but particularly remembered saving a group of people by the mine.

Cheng Juan heard this, chuckled, and nodded. "That's right."

At that time, Cheng Juan hadn't been much older. He had taken a mission and broken into a foreign country, offending a lot of enemies along the way. Although he wouldn't have died without Gu Xichi's help, since he had been saved by him, he naturally had to return the favor.

"Wait. Master Juan, this..." Jiang Dongye took a sip of tea and barely managed to calm his nerves. "Nobody from Beijing knows of this?"

"Nobody else knows other than Cheng Shui and the others." Cheng Juan raised his hand to look at his watch. It was already close to 9 pm. His voice was gentle as he asked, "Any other questions?"

Jiang Dongye and Gu Xichi naturally had a bunch of questions, but they couldn't ask at this time, so they just shook their heads and went back to the room to digest this new information.

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