Chapter 275

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Chapter 275: Daylily, Student Grade

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qin Ran was speechless.

She had only asked casually.

Walking ahead, Lu Zhaoying was still thinking about Wen Yin when he heard this. He first glanced at the time on his phone before turning around. "Qin Ran, it's almost noon now. It's time to eat, shall we eat together?"

His expression was at ease and no different than usual.

Cheng Juan followed behind Qin Ran with both hands in his pocket. He raised an eyebrow at Lu Zhaoying and gave him an approving glance for the first time.

Lu Zhaoying was almost moved to tears. This was the first time Master Juan looked at him like he wasn't a fool.

Glancing at Lu Zhaoying, Qin Ran pulled down her hat and cleared her throat. "I'm a little sleepy."

Cheng Juan smiled. "Then go back to sleep first."


Beijing Financial Center.

"Miss." A secretary wearing black frame glasses came in and handed a stack of documents to the woman sitting in the office chair. "This is your schedule for today."

The woman wearing a black dress looked down, evidently astute and capable. A computer was placed in front of her, its screen showing a pair of complicated red and green candlestick charts.

Taking the file from the secretary, she looked up, revealing her delicate and slightly domineering facial features. "What's the schedule in the afternoon?"

Her real age was unpredictable, but judging by her aura, she was about 30 years old.

She was the Cheng family's Young Lady, Cheng Wenru, 35 years old, and unmarried.

"You have a contract appointment with President Li at one o'clock in the afternoon. Then, a small regular meeting at half-past two..." The secretary pushed his glasses and spoke quickly.

"What did my younger brother say?" Cheng Wenru glanced at the time on her watch. It was 11:40.

The secretary shook his head.

Cheng Wenru raised an eyebrow and smiled in understanding.

Picking up a pen from the pen holder, she signed the document on the table and then leaned back on the chair. Crossing her arms around her chest, she was silent for a long time before saying, "Help me take note of gifts that young girls like these days."

To be favored by such a successful career woman, Secretary Li's professional ability was the cream of the crop in the secretarial industry. He was a working hand that Old Master Cheng had specially arranged for Cheng Wenru.

After arranging the schedule, he continued, "I have arranged an auction for you in three days."

Cheng Wenru massaged her eyebrows and felt slightly tired. "There's a Daylily now?"

Old Master Cheng wasn't in good health and had to wear a Daylily to bring relief. But the Daylily... nobody knew its origin.

Most of them had appeared serendipitously, so every auction was a bloodbath.

"Yes, but there's only one bottle at the auction this time."

"One bottle?" Cheng Wenru tapped her finger on the table. This wasn't good.

Cheng Wenru went to the auction house once a month, and ten bottles of Daylily were sold each month. There were numerous people in Beijing, several major laboratories, and many researchers on the Daylily. In each auction, four of those ten bottles were reserved for a few people, and Cheng Wenru was one of them.

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