Chapter 333

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Chapter 333: Appearance Is Power! Qin Hanqiu's Monitoring

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lin Siran was holding a black rope in her hand. Looking from Qin Ran's side, he could see that the rope was a bit thick with a cold metallic luster.

While standing next to Qin Ran, he stared at the rope in surprise. "Such a thick rope?"

Was this necessary for a cat?

"Mimi, come down!" Lin Siran whistled, and a huge figure suddenly jumped out from the back seat.

Both sensing the danger, Cheng Mu and Cheng Jin instinctively took a step back.

Squinting, Cheng Juan reached out to grab Qin Ran and pull her to the side.

As if sensing Cheng Juan's gaze, Mimi didn't dare to pounce forward.

"Mimi, sit down!" Lin Siran ordered.

The black shadow leaping in the air stopped and then sat in front of Lin Siran imposingly.

"This is Mimi?" Cheng Mu stared at Lin Siran and Mimi blankly.

Patting Mimi's head, Lin Siran smiled happily. "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Cheng Mu was speechless.

No, it was fine to call a dog "Mimi," but why did they give a one-meter tall Tibetan mastiff a cat's name?!

Sitting next to Lin Siran, the Tibetan mastiff was nearly one meter tall, with a pure black mane on his body faintly reflecting cold light. His cry was dull, his head resembled a lion, and his bright expressive eyes were slightly tinged with gold.

The fine hair on his powerful claws danced about in the wind in a flurry.

Fierce and menacing.

People passing by desperately wanted to be a kilometer away from it.

"Ran Ran, how's Mimi?" Lin Siran discussed it with her.

Qin Ran touched her chin and nodded slowly. "It's fine. You raised it pretty well."

While talking, she took out a casually folded ticket from her pocket and stuffed it directly into Lin Siran's pocket.

"What's this?" She took it out from her pocket.

Her head aching, Qin Ran waved her away. "Bye."

Returning to his senses, Cheng Jin glanced at Cheng Mu and whispered, "Are all of Miss Qin's friends like this?"

Cheng Mu took the flower pot handed over by Father Lin.

Hearing this, he glanced at Cheng Jin silently—

Brother, have you witnessed the mercenary suddenly barbecuing obediently in the middle of a fight? 

Cheng Mu patted Cheng Jin on the shoulder, then carefully carried the flower pot to the car trunk.


Qin Ran returned to the car after talking to Lin Siran and the others.

"Miss Qin, where are you going?" Cheng Jin turned the car key in the driver's seat.

Looking down at the time on her phone, she saw that it was already past 9 o'clock. "Back to Ting Lan."

Although there were regulations for returning to the dormitory in the freshman year, Dean Jiang was very lenient towards Qin Ran.

Sitting on the side with his lips slightly pursed, Cheng Juan slightly turned towards her. He held his phone in one hand and his head in the other, looking a little distracted.

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